Transplanting From Soil To Hydro?


Active Member
I had someone tell me that as soon as his clones start to root he puts them into beer cups till the roots are developed, then Gently rinses most of the dirt off, worrying more about not damaging the roots than getting the dirt off, then plant in hydroton or whatever


Well-Known Member
i dunno, seems like a hugely bad idea, the many many microscopic root hairs are not gonna enjoy it.....but i suppose it is possible, thats true.


Well-Known Member
It's possible, but why would you? it defeats the purpose of hydro... :? anyways you would have to spray down the roots remove as much soil as possible


Active Member
I just did it today, I have tried in the past and failed but have since done it successfully with other (not weed) plants. I have several extra plants that I done really need, the attitude x-mas freebies, started on the first of the year in soil and doing very well. I took one of the KushBerry x Skunk plants and washed the roots by dipping them in buckets of water, then I put it in hydroton and in my flood table (I use net pots with hydroton, none loose tho). Did it a few hours ago, its showing signs of over watering but that's to be expected, I took it out for the flood cycle that just happened. I'll let you all know in a few days if it worked or not. If it does work I'm gonna do it to some more of them. My flood table has a bunch of clones from my Blueberry, White Widow and The Church in it but has got some extra space.


Well-Known Member
thats true, but i dont think he means he wants to do it like that all the time. i think he's talking about switching to hydro the plants he has now and going that method from now on.
Because hydroponics is a soil less growing technique
i understand that. which is why i would want to switch from soil TO hydro. id like to be able to have that super fast veg growth. besides im switching to a 4 tray ebb & flow sog setup when i get these girls big enough to cut clones off off. so i might as well try to speed up the process. right?

I just did it today, I have tried in the past and failed but have since done it successfully with other (not weed) plants. I have several extra plants that I done really need, the attitude x-mas freebies, started on the first of the year in soil and doing very well. I took one of the KushBerry x Skunk plants and washed the roots by dipping them in buckets of water, then I put it in hydroton and in my flood table (I use net pots with hydroton, none loose tho). Did it a few hours ago, its showing signs of over watering but that's to be expected, I took it out for the flood cycle that just happened. I'll let you all know in a few days if it worked or not. If it does work I'm gonna do it to some more of them. My flood table has a bunch of clones from my Blueberry, White Widow and The Church in it but has got some extra space.
how do these freebie seeds turn out? do they almost always pop? how about the feminized seeds in general from attitude. id like to just buy 1 or 2 feminized Chiesel seeds (pick & mix) but i dont know what the germ rate is..... what was your order and what were the germ rates on your seeds?


Active Member
how do these freebie seeds turn out? do they almost always pop? how about the feminized seeds in general from attitude. id like to just buy 1 or 2 feminized Chiesel seeds (pick & mix) but i dont know what the germ rate is..... what was your order and what were the germ rates on your seeds?
I took all the free seeds they had for that one, 15 total, germ'd 9 and 8 popped. it was $13 for shipping, that was it. I', saving the last 6 for outdoors this spring.


Sector 5 Moderator
I started out my last grow in soil but I "amended" my soil (put too much stuff) and after a week or so they started getting brown tips. I watched in horror for a week as the brown crept up the leaves. I decided that I would remove them from the soil and put them in my hydro unit. I dumped the plant into my hand and, rather than shaking the soil off, I dunked it in a res of water and let the water wash the soil off. When there was no more soil I put them into the hydro unit. All of them lived and thrived in the hydro unit.


Active Member
The one I did last night is already holding its leaves back up and looking good, I went ahead and did one more today. I did the same method mentioned above, seems to work well.


Well-Known Member
i understand that. which is why i would want to switch from soil TO hydro. id like to be able to have that super fast veg growth. besides im switching to a 4 tray ebb & flow sog setup when i get these girls big enough to cut clones off off. so i might as well try to speed up the process. right?
Indeed. You won't regret switching