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  1. tallanasty

    Crazy Sex Stories. No Fake Stories Please.

    yo cheez lets get some more from you...
  2. tallanasty

    Crazy Sex Stories. No Fake Stories Please.

    heres one from spring break. so were we go to the beach with nowhere to stay but we know a lot of people with a room so we were just gonna try to crash somewhere. we ended up in a room with 3 girls. to make a long story short me and two of my boys ended up pluggin em. but it was a little...
  3. tallanasty

    1000 Things to do while stoned

    55. play call of duty online on ps3 56. sit outside this time of year 57. watch the flames of a campfire.
  4. tallanasty

    Crazy Sex Stories. No Fake Stories Please.

    haha i got a couple, ill start off with an easy going one. well in high school we were all trying to get laid for the first time. when ever we thought one of our boys were gonna get laid we would all run to the room and hide in the closet/under the bed/in a laundry basket to try and watch it...
  5. tallanasty

    Beat my score on this stupid game

    lol looks pretty legit besides that first 9 hanging off the board.
  6. tallanasty

    Beat my score on this stupid game

    Finally. BBYYYAAHHHH!!!
  7. tallanasty

    Beat my score on this stupid game

    shit what the hell i cant get this pic up. i cut it down but the file size is huge for some reason. p.s. i got 1318
  8. tallanasty

    Beat my score on this stupid game

    how do you take a screen shot?
  9. tallanasty

    the life

    i think i just saw you in the bud zone.
  10. tallanasty

    Startin to get tired of weed

    alcohol is the gateway drug, think about it. after that its all about self control.
  11. tallanasty

    friends owing you money

    when i loan out money to friends i give em a week to pay me back. after that i demand it. everytime you see them ask for your shit back, the days you dont see them call. say it in front of other people too and if they ever need money again then good luck.
  12. tallanasty

    head dick in charge

    ya youre right. instead how bout we let our banking system fail like in 1929 and just go into the next great depression and dig out of it for a decade.
  13. tallanasty

    head dick in charge

    youre an idiot if u dont think we need a government bailout.
  14. tallanasty

    Not sure who to vote for ?

    vote for obama...i hope you like paying more taxes.
  15. tallanasty

    What is the best vaporizer?

    its alot easier to pass a bag around then to switch seats everytime someone else wants to take a hit.
  16. tallanasty

    What is the best vaporizer?

    my vote is for the volcano.
  17. tallanasty

    whats the matter with my bitch? PICS

    lol a pile of spaghetti. hopefully when it starts cooling down it will work itself out. and chronicprince, i call all my females bitches.
  18. tallanasty

    whats the matter with my bitch? PICS

    never thought of that. you may be right good sir.
  19. tallanasty

    whats the matter with my bitch? PICS

    no im not misting. and i dont want to try and dig it up to put in a pot. and its only the top 6 inches where the problem is. im gonna get some molasses soon or something see if there is a change then. any other comments are wanted...
  20. tallanasty

    whats the matter with my bitch? PICS

    this is outdoor. i dont know if this could be under watering, or just maybe temps in FL. plant was topped, half is looking good, but then the very top part of the other half i dont understand. any ideas on what it could be? i have watered it like twice ever, and never given any nutes..i just...