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  1. tallanasty

    just weird, dont know what to call it. PICS

    i dont do anything to it. i have watered it like twice other than that i just let it go.
  2. tallanasty

    just weird, dont know what to call it. PICS

    this is outdoor. i dont know if this could be under/over watering, or just maybe temps in FL. plant was topped, half is looking good, then the very top part of the other half i dont understand. the last pic is what most bud sites look like. any ideas on what it could be?
  3. tallanasty

    Rap #1

    thats strait.
  4. tallanasty

    Does anyone like to put anything in their bong besides water?

    theres not that much alcohol in mouthwash, and you use very little mouthwash compared to the water. so the alcohol is just a fraction of a fraction...not really that bad
  5. tallanasty

    Does anyone like to put anything in their bong besides water?

    im bout to pass out but do it and lemme know how it turns out for u. ill check it tomorrow.
  6. tallanasty

    Does anyone like to put anything in their bong besides water?

    i have the best one and i swear all of you will love it. put the water in your bong and then add some scope mouthwash in it. not a whole cap full, i think like a quarter cap or half, depending on how big your piece is. its strait minty hits, the shit tastes so good. let me know if you try it out.
  7. tallanasty

    plants underwater

    depends on how much sun youre gonna have i think. mine was underwater like 2 inches from the last hurricane for 2 or 3 days, then the water finally dried up. it stayed droopy for another 2 or 3 days but its all good now.
  8. tallanasty

    Sept 4th and no signs of budding?

    ^^^were in the outside growing section...
  9. tallanasty

    Who's going to win the World Series?

    give me 10 mil a year for throwin a ball as hard as i can and i wouldnt give a shit what happens to my arm.
  10. tallanasty

    why do "nice guys" finish last?

    holy shit dude, step one is stop paying for shit. ask if she wants to go out and at the end say you want separate checks. i do that sometimes when i first go out with chicks and if they still wanna hang out afterwards and not just dig for gold then you will know how you stand.
  11. tallanasty

    why do "nice guys" finish last?

    hahahaha, wow that was good. im going to write that down somewhere.
  12. tallanasty


    hey guys this is just a quick question thats been bothering me the last couple days. my plant just started showing the the white hairs about 5 days ago and i can see the spots on all the branches but the very top of the plant isnt showing anything. does the top show the pistols a little later...
  13. tallanasty

    why do "nice guys" finish last?

    my theory is that most women are hoes that just wanna get crazy so if you dont do crazy shit and give em stuff to cry about they just gonna get bored and not care.
  14. tallanasty

    Who's going to win the World Series?

    i guess nobody cares...
  15. tallanasty

    One thing i fucking hate

    a perfect score on the SAT is a 1600...
  16. tallanasty

    Who's going to win the World Series?

    baseball sucks in general. bunch of overpaid pussies
  17. tallanasty

    Sept 4th and no signs of budding?

    ya mine is outdoors and i just saw the preflowers about 4 days ago.
  18. tallanasty

    Florida season

    i want to know when florida outdoors start to flower...i got one outside and i have no signs of what it is yet :(
  19. tallanasty

    Almost there! (Unbelievable)

    :shock: LMAO...holy shit man im sorry, i thought it was a hippie guy with long hair. my bad
  20. tallanasty

    Best Deodorant?

    nevermind i got mitchum lol:blsmoke: