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  1. miko

    Germenating seeds advice please

    Your germinating seeds should be placed in the dark & should stay between 75-80 degrees for optimum results. However I have had seeds sprout after 5 days. Sometimes it helps to lightly scuff the surface of the seed with a scotch brite before you begin sprouting. Good Luck
  2. miko

    Dwc Plants are droopy??

    im sorry, these plants are in deep water culture so im not familiar with the concept of over watering unless you thought these were soil, in that case, my fault. Anyone, droopy hydro plants ?
  3. miko

    Dwc Plants are droopy??

    my plants are droopy in 5gal buckets, cfl for lighting , 78 degrees, fresh air, 12/12 lights, 3rd week of flower. Usually plants are vigorous. dutch masters 1pt grow and bloom for nutes. earth juice for micro nutes. Maybe i need better air stones. Any ideas fellow growers?
  4. miko

    Miko's Set-up

    haha sorry guys, problem with upload.
  5. miko

    Miko's Set-up

    Well here it is. Feedback?
  6. miko

    Continuous Production System???

    Thanx guys! I would like to see more set-ups. This seems to be the ultimate way to stay in smoke.
  7. miko

    Should i cut my fan leaves away????

    Its also a good idea if your crop is thick to prune the lowest branches to provide better air flow and redirect the plants energy to the top of the plant where your bigger, thicker buds will be produced. However, its all about what your comfortable with, but I'll tell you from experience, dont...
  8. miko

    Where do you dump trash?

    trust me... burn it. They even make those closed portable fire pits for your yard. i.e.
  9. miko

    Continuous Production System???

    Otherwise known as a perpetual harvest. So, my question is does anyone have a system they use to perpetuate they're harvest? I am having a hard time figuring out the set-up. When should I take my clones? How long do I veg? How many plants to ensure I have a steady supply? I am just now after a...
  10. miko

    If Uncured bud taste crap???

    This bud here taste like booty. I must need better genetiks
  11. miko

    If Uncured bud taste crap???

    I wanna hit my smoke and have my lungs fill up like i just paid the guy on the corner for that kind nug. Maybe with genetics or practice. Any tips or triks would be welcomed.
  12. miko

    If Uncured bud taste crap???

    Im afraid im messing up. Dry for a week, cure in jars, at least 1 month. buds have just started jars and taste poopy. :(
  13. miko

    If Uncured bud taste crap???

    Sometimes I just want that $300 taste ya know. I really would like to be able to grow the finest.
  14. miko

    If Uncured bud taste crap???

    If uncured bud taste like crap, will the cured product taste like the original crap taste, or will the taste change? Like I've heard people say "cant wait for my NL to cure cause right now it taste like bigfoots dick!" Obviously Northern Lights taste fantastic & is worth the $300 price tag but...
  15. miko

    I just harvested!!! [PICS]

    Alright, I read all this, I want the payoff . . . So show me a pound of seeds. :P
  16. miko

    I have a plant with 2 colas, without me doing anything!

    Well, the word colas if I'm not mistaken refers to the top-most buds on your plant, not the stem or main stem. I have seen this occur outdoors and in many other threads on this site. Be thankful! You now have 2 main shoots that main buds will initiate from. Congrats!
  17. miko

    267g Harvest. Indica+Sativa

    Indica is bagseed & the 2 sativas were Dutch Treat.
  18. miko

    267g Harvest. Indica+Sativa

    Thanx! Grown in soil, 16 clf's, vegged 6 weeks. Bio-bizz + foxfamr and a lil earth juice for micro nutes. Cant wait to switch everything to hydro. No more dirty mess!!!!
  19. miko

    267g Harvest. Indica+Sativa

    Hay RIU folk, 2nd harvest.267g wet. Whaddya think? Bud Porn.
  20. miko

    Pix:Sativa+Indica CFL Day 53 Flower

    Well, Bonzai on the Sativas. They are Dutch Treat. Indicas are clones from an unknown mother who's pistils are purple and white and orange. Its day 53. Flowered under 16 cfl's. trichs show roughly 50-50. Best trich pic i could get. So, flush for a week or two, then harvest? Its only my 2nd grow...