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  1. miko

    Nute Burn, how long to recover?

    How long to recover for a strong dose? Plants were in first week of flower 8 days ago.
  2. miko

    Sup i need advice plant is curling+pics

    If you'll refer to my 1st response, you will notice I've covered that already. And yes, considering the average rate of success for new growers, I think he's doing just fine. No disrespect.
  3. miko

    Sup i need advice plant is curling+pics

    Cheers back at ya! Congrats on your grow. Most people never get past the seedling stage. As seen in your pics, the plant has shown signs of stretching which indicates a need for more light. Your plant is searching for more intense light, that is why your plant is taller with more spacing between...
  4. miko

    HPS Bulb in MV Ballast?

    I think im gonna have me a 175w veg light. No sense in ruining a good thing. Thanx peoples.
  5. miko

    Sup i need advice plant is curling+pics

    ps: with a fan blowing over your cfl's, you can bring those bulbs within inches from your plant and treat that stretching. Your plant will become bushy. The nodes will begin to space about 1/2 to 1 inch providing a much larger harvest. The link below is 2 colas havrested with cfl at 1 inch...
  6. miko

    Sup i need advice plant is curling+pics

    Have you checked the pH of your water/nute solution? Another good idea if your growing in soil is to pH your runoff water. Ideally, cannabis flourishes at a range between 5.8 & 6.8, given the variety.
  7. miko

    HPS Bulb in MV Ballast?

    Maybe a higer or lower wattage? Im I asking for a fire?
  8. miko

    HPS Bulb in MV Ballast?

    Ps Ballast is built in and I've already wired the fixture. No external ballast for voltage regulation, hence my question. It's got a helluva Veg light in it now if nothing else.
  9. miko

    HPS Bulb in MV Ballast?

    Ok so, a friend gives me an "outside MV lamp" for my "yard". Its a 175w Mercury Vapor Lamp with built in ballast. My question is can I buy a 175w hps bulb and use my MV ballast to run it? Any input greatly apprieciated!
  10. miko

    Advise on soil ph issue...

    if your tap water is ph of 7 , just flush thoroughly with your 7.0 tap water and test ph of water run off every couple of minutes untill your where you want to be. this just happened to me. Ive found that certain soil materials can turn acidic after sitting for a period of time. Its the...
  11. miko

    Cloning the topping of a plant?

    The determining factor for clones is not decided by where your cutting is taken from. The top of your plant should make a fantastic clone. Update with pics!
  12. miko

    i see a hi-point 380 in your collection... or hi 9?

    i see a hi-point 380 in your collection... or hi 9?
  13. miko

    cfl qustion need help quick ????????

    yup, i use 3 13wt cfl for my clones.
  14. miko

    dude, your avatar is a gif my ex-girl friend made me. Wierd. im and let me know where u got it.

    dude, your avatar is a gif my ex-girl friend made me. Wierd. im and let me know where u got it.
  15. miko

    New Users

    Just thought id say big up to all our new users. I have seen such a large increase in users recently. For example, for a long time there was 80 to 90 users during peak hours on RIU. As of late, there's 100 to 200 users viewing the general forum. I am a happy grower. Keep living and learning RIU...
  16. miko

    Another Harvest. 1/4 lb wet. 1 plant

    Vegged for 3 months, 10 weeks flower.12 to 16 cfl's and a whole lotta love. 1st plant only produced a fat 1/4. Those didn't cure because im a junkie, im hoping to gain more patience as time passes. Thanx for the post fellows! 1st grow, so a little rough, but hey... practice makes perfect.
  17. miko

    Another Harvest. 1/4 lb wet. 1 plant

    Well here's pics of my second harvest,first grow. Qp wet, hoping for a fat ounce. Mr. no patience, Smoked my first harvest before it even cured. Hopefully these buds will cure well. Comment's? 1st pic is main 2 colas. Rest is bud porn.
  18. miko

    What Kiind of Bud is This??? Pro's???

    Looks like mystery solved. Our favorite author/activist came through with flying colors! Jack herer Ladies & Gents! Hopefuly my next grow. Thanks for the info peeps.
  19. miko

    what did i do wrong?

    Looks like light needed to be closer.
  20. miko

    1 month into veg with terribly strong smell

    I love the fresh bud stank!