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  1. KnowledgeQuick

    New Grow Journel, Fotos need commenting

    Is that u in the previous last pic? BTY plants are looking really awsome.
  2. KnowledgeQuick

    What do you think?

    looks good. Wat kind of soil/nutes are u using?
  3. KnowledgeQuick

    Whats the best vapizer money can buy.

    right on ill get right on that and let yall kno when i get to use it. TO BE CONTINUED
  4. KnowledgeQuick


    i think everyone on here is a pothead... LOL:weed:
  5. KnowledgeQuick

    What up ...

    Welcome Ken.
  6. KnowledgeQuick

    Whats the best vapizer money can buy.

    I think ima go wit this one. Vapir One v. 5.0 Forced Air Digital Vaporizer with Inflation Kit. It seems like the best band for the buck. Thanks to wveryone who repied. :clap:
  7. KnowledgeQuick

    Wats the best way to smoke Your dank?

    yea i like that too. ANybody else have an opinion?
  8. KnowledgeQuick

    Whats the best vapizer money can buy.

    Very nice. Has anybody had any experiance with the volcano vap? Is it worth $300 or should i get something a little chaeper?
  9. KnowledgeQuick

    Best Food When High

    Everything and everything that i see. Anything is the best choice for me. When im high im on the sea food diet, i see food and eat it.
  10. KnowledgeQuick

    Poem whatcha think?

    I can relate. Very kool dude
  11. KnowledgeQuick

    Whats the best vapizer money can buy.

    I jus got paid and going to invest in a vaperizor. Which one is the best bang for the buck?
  12. KnowledgeQuick

    Wats the best way to smoke Your dank?

    I have heard that smoking it in a joint filters out all the bad stuff in weed. I also heard that a vaparizer is the way to go? SHould i go out and buy one?
  13. KnowledgeQuick

    1 Year old plant?

    Thats not possiable. AT least i dont think so...
  14. KnowledgeQuick

    My first outdoor grow

    haha i second that.
  15. KnowledgeQuick

    My Precious 10

    looking pretty good. How long have they been in soil now?
  16. KnowledgeQuick

    Showin off my Ladies!! feel free to comment! :D

    those are defently big dude. I wounder how much bud ur gonna get from them... Nice grow:clap:
  17. KnowledgeQuick

    New Custom Stealth Grow Cabinet

    it needs a littkl more work man, do a search on this website for sealtjth grow boxes to get a little more resoearch on how to do it correctly. But a give u props for effort.
  18. KnowledgeQuick

    everyone's take on miracle-gro

    miracle grow is shit compared to fox farms or advanced nutrients, but i still use it lol.
  19. KnowledgeQuick

    Sex while High (Poll)

    has anybody ever had sex on mushies?
  20. KnowledgeQuick

    Need some good movies

    Fear and loathing is las vegas is the shit. How about pulp fiction.