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  1. KnowledgeQuick

    How long till budding?

    one to two weeks.
  2. KnowledgeQuick

    Male Plants: DONT THROW THEM AWAY!

    damn dude i jus chopped down my male this mourning. I guess theres always next time
  3. KnowledgeQuick

    if i toppped her now what would she do

    i usually top when my plants are on the fourth to sixth node so i think u should jus leave it alone. Im kinda curious to what would happen though.
  4. KnowledgeQuick

    Harvest time!! blue cheese harvest pics

    From the pics im hoping u get at least 3 to 4 zips... Bud looks awsome thought congrads
  5. KnowledgeQuick

    Whats the best way to trim your plants during flowering i need HELP!!

    def want to leave them cause if u do cut ehm it could stress them to a male
  6. KnowledgeQuick

    my new grow closet set up

    Very Nice dude looks great...
  7. KnowledgeQuick

    This is my somewhat stealth setup

    :weed:Very nice STEALTH box dude... Very similar to the one that im currently making
  8. KnowledgeQuick

    5htp with XTC

    A friend of mine told me that if u take the supplement 5htp before or during the thizz that it will help out with the "burnt" feeling u get after wards? IS the true
  9. KnowledgeQuick

    white widow and the church

    Very nice:joint:
  10. KnowledgeQuick

    Soil Ph.. Might be too high..

    HOw are u growing? Indoors, outdoors, hydro, soil? A little more info would help us to help u out.
  11. KnowledgeQuick

    How to tell if ur preflowereing

    I kno how to sex but how do u tell if ur baby is preflowereing?
  12. KnowledgeQuick


    its really goes on how uch u want to charge and how good the weed is. IF u want to get rid of it faster, sell it for cheep that way youll have more people coming back throug hwith more money.
  13. KnowledgeQuick

    tell me about coke

    stick to green if u kno wat i mean...
  14. KnowledgeQuick

    My Patio Grow 2009

    Very nice man:joint:
  15. KnowledgeQuick

    How to tell if UR preflowering?

    I have a few plants outdoors and i kno how to sex them... But someone on here mentioned preflowereing? How can u tell
  16. KnowledgeQuick

    Is anybody flowering in california>

    still not flowering guys, is there a way to speed it up a little bit like throwing a big box over them os some sort of technique?
  17. KnowledgeQuick

    Can i keep males

    grow it out and make hash or butter with it... be careful though, if u have females around near by theres a good chance it will turn them male to.
  18. KnowledgeQuick

    is it early to sex my first lil plant?

    Cant really tell with those pics... it looks a lilttle earlie
  19. KnowledgeQuick

    Male.Hermie.To soon to tell?

    I agree, its a little early to tell. Positive thinking always helps
  20. KnowledgeQuick

    is there a way to

    one of the ways i kno of is to stress it out when flowering by reducing how much light it gets