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  1. ieatglue88

    Any idea on the strain here?

    even though its bagseed if you can grow it good and keep her from getting pollinated you might get something good as for what exact strain it is nobody will be able to actually tell you 100% for sure what it is... infact what you are growing probly doesnt have a crazy name but to me from what...
  2. ieatglue88

    switch lighting time?

    lights off just might be making it stretch a little when mine went off from 24 the plant didnt grow any leaves faster just seemed to get taller as for the leaves idk the problem doesnt look like normal nutrient burn it looks more like what my plant did when it started flowering but I dot...
  3. ieatglue88

    switch lighting time?

    although for my grow I used 24/0 a good argument was that swithcing from lights on 24 hours directly to 12 could stress the plant cutting its light in half and increasing darkness all at once
  4. ieatglue88

    Brick Weed

    trust me i smoke stress (bag weed) and it is nothing like chronic
  5. ieatglue88

    Dont show plants to black people!!!!

    lol this is hilarious
  6. ieatglue88

    Dont show plants to black people!!!!

    yeah when my plant got kicked in half by a black dude thats what I did within a few days bam back to normal lol
  7. ieatglue88

    I don't like the Volcano Vaporizer!

    it wont be as dense smoke because your not burning any extra paper just straight thc
  8. ieatglue88

    I missed this nug in harvest!!!A Test for my MOM LMAO!

    nice find how long has it been in there
  9. ieatglue88

    Question for you guys who smoke a lot of pot

    pounds and pounds ... so at the least 4 pounds haha in what amount of time
  10. ieatglue88

    Looks like overwatering, but cant be, w/ pics

    you might need to water it more
  11. ieatglue88

    whats wrong with the plant?

    do you give it any nutrients? try a low dose of some liquid fertilizer
  12. ieatglue88

    my 1st grow CFL

    if you cant get more lights try to place them better or move your plants alot of the light is being directed away from the plants how do they smell im doing a cfl and there about 2 1/2 weeks into flowing but not much of a smell
  13. ieatglue88

    PICs CFL grow, feedback and expertise wanted PLEASE!!!

    you can give is alot of water as long as it can drain well then just wait untill the soil is dry on the top and water again
  14. ieatglue88

    LED Grow Lights: Separating Fact from Fiction

    nice post + rep
  15. ieatglue88

    OMG!!! SERIOUS odor problem, but I have....

    idk man but if its 4ft tall and weighs over 100bs im sure thats enough to do the job maybe hooked up wrong or like other people said its blowing the air too fast
  16. ieatglue88

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    question! will the Buffalo Sabres win the stanley cup for the 2010 season?
  17. ieatglue88

    make ice hash for less than $5

    well the average person already has most of these items and doesnt need to go out and buy a refrigerator
  18. ieatglue88

    looking to buy a cloner...

    the dome is to help keep them humid not prevent it
  19. ieatglue88

    Is this a F'N male????Help

    lol I have 4 males just chillin around the apt cause I dont want to kill them but they cant be around the girls
  20. ieatglue88

    Is this a F'N male????Help

    I think females just take a lil longer to show