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  1. rsxr0884

    Chocolope Ebb Gro

    Just got done flushing and filling the res back up with the flowering formula of gh keep it simple. The ppms are still high but still no signs of stress from the plants. Theres a few fan leaves that are clawing, but this is due to a fan being to close and some fan leaves showing cal mag...
  2. rsxr0884

    Chocolope Ebb Gro

    Will do Thanks for the info Res is a lil over 70 with the ac cooling the room Ill put some frozen water bottles to bring it down
  3. rsxr0884

    Chocolope Ebb Gro

    I have considered using 600 watters but have been on a tight budget for the mean time, Might be a couple of harvests before I make the change plus on my next crop I will be making a change to Dyna Gro as I have seen from Homebrewers threads that a little goes a long way
  4. rsxr0884

    Chocolope Ebb Gro

    Koo Is Using sweeteners bad for the system or just not needed at all. I have read that there is no point in using sweeteners. WOuld Floraliicous plus be considered as a benny? And if so, since Florablend is a tea, would it benefit with Floralicous plus?
  5. rsxr0884

    Chocolope Ebb Gro

    Im using GH FLora Series The basics Grow Bloom Micro and the additives are FLorablend Floralicious plus Liquid Koolbloom and FLoranectar. I changed the res last night to the Bloom schedule and the ppms came out to a around 1375 I think its a bit high but the mom was able to withstand that high...
  6. rsxr0884

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    Been reading this thread for a while and glad I found this thread when I did Reading this thread got me to buy the EBB 12 system and help me to figure out the simple maintenance on the system. Did my first grow w some bag seed that I had for a while The crop came out alright I just think I...
  7. rsxr0884

    Chocolope Ebb Gro

    Been a member for for a few months already with no posts, So I figured that I should at least put up a grow journal to contribute to the RIU community and get some feedback on how my girls r doin. Im running n ebb and gro 12 bucket site with GH Keep it simple Flora series with the addition of...