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  1. C

    night time humidity help

    sounds like u got a fight on your hands mate make sure u got a fan in there circulating the air around your plants thats all i can really think to suggest as ur using a dehumid
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    Curling Leaves {look like plastic}

    looks very pale in colour or is it the light?
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    Leaf Curl

    agreed with mr mary j heat or over nutes
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    White spots on leaves. help!!!

    check under the leaves mate anything u see give it a little touch if its mites u will see it move
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    leaves folding downwards in half. help please!!

    could be a number of things mate if its only 2 leaves wouldnt worry too much whats your humidity could be moisture stress.... just noticed slight brown tips have u stepped up any nutes or introduce any new ones
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    Auto Blue Pyramid

    wait for soil to dry then introduce nutes at quarter to half strength to what u was using before
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    Big Bang Autoflower 4 -5 weeks into flower How long until harvest

    agreed with doctor tomb deffo a lot of growth left there mate
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    how old is plant? when did u start using nutes? have u started using anything new i would recommended flush out with water for starters
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    2nd harvest, unintentionally pollinated again. Help please.

    can be caused by various things how is heat and humidty through flower ?
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    same question as above mate bit more info needed
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    my blue dream plants are hurting can any one help

    i would of thought magnesium an d calcium but u have ruled that out could be heat or could even be caused by confusion with lights on and off have your cycles been spot on and uninterupted?
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    Blue Blood

    hi glad its a good smoke ive got one going now just coming into 8th week and getting milky trics so starting flush how long did yours go for as it says 6-10 weeks bit of a gap lol
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    Help transplanting from aero to coco.

    old post i know but did u have any techniques for fast recovery i have moved a plant from nft to coco clayballs and day 3 still drooping :(
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    blue mystic 30 day veg

    i always ph feed at 6.0
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    Newbie In Need Of A Little Advice Please :)

    i havent ph'ed for a while will ph my water again when i dig out pen am i right in thinking some ppl use natural ingredients to balance ph i think i may have to take a trip to my local shop when hes back open n see what he has thanks always appreciate some help from ppl with knowledge :)
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    Newbie In Need Of A Little Advice Please :)

    thanks all for replys what am i best using to balance out ph and does it make a big difference
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    Newbie In Need Of A Little Advice Please :)

    thanks might hold off the rootbastic for a while very strong stuff 0.1ml per litre is minimum i usually keep eye on my water can usually smell when its going bad
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    Newbie In Need Of A Little Advice Please :)

    thanks i did think overwatering myself there in rockwool cubes aswel which will also hold water but im using coco and also told that its inert and ive only just started feeding vitalink earth which recommends 2-3ml per litre and i started with 1ml i store feed premixed by the litre in my tent...
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    Newbie In Need Of A Little Advice Please :)

    thanks stoner paddy i was actually saying to my mate i wonder if its because the coco isnt giving it what it needs i will mix up a new feed with 2.5ml 2 one litre also if i bottle the litre up and leave it in my tent will it be fine? should i also start adding my rootbastic aswell i was just bit...
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    Newbie In Need Of A Little Advice Please :)

    nah not hydro mate i used the same set up for last grow and worked really well had good root growth and strong healthy plant would u suggest i use full strength feed which is recomended 2-3ml per litre? there was a few times when my fans actually went off before my light which obvs caused some...