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  1. SeattlePot

    Do you keep grow data?

    So I started this grow (my first) and so I have been doing a lot of tweaking to get things working well. My whole grow is hydro so I've got a lot of small adjustments to the nutes/timing cycles etc. I have been trying to keep a record of what is going on with the op so that I can go back and...
  2. SeattlePot

    Industrial Setup!

    How the fuck did 87.3 plants survive? Your saying that your friend killed 2.7 plants and in the same post claiming that other people "don't know what they're talking about." Retarded.
  3. SeattlePot

    Where did it go?

    Yes, yes! Thanks! I don't know why I had so much trouble finding it. This is probably the single best source of information I have found on RIU.
  4. SeattlePot

    Free pot to Medical Patients!!

    It's not really "free" if you are asked to "donate" money.
  5. SeattlePot

    Where did it go?

    I had read a post regarding a perpetual harvest. It was called something like "Harvest two pounds every two weeks". I wanted to go back and review the section on cutting the big ass clones, but I cant find the original post. It was a pretty big thread, has it been deleted? Do you know what I'm...
  6. SeattlePot

    Fanleaf clone protocol: homegrown science

    Yeah, it possible too root a fan leaf. Then you'll have a fan leaf growing out of some dirt. And that's all you'll ever have.
  7. SeattlePot

    Industrial Setup!

    Maybe you'd be more interested in a movie or something. Homegrown is good. Amazon has a few fiction books about growing weed.
  8. SeattlePot

    Cooltube as vent...

    The 250 cfm rating on that fan from Home Depot it not an accurate rating. Compare the throughput of that with a 250 cfm rated inline fan from a grow shop, there will be a HUGE difference. It may blow 250 cfm with nothing at all connected too it but the second you attach ducting, filters, or...
  9. SeattlePot

    Cooltube as vent...

    No way man. I have my mine setup like this and it works great: Carbon filter-> Inline Fan -> Dual Cool Tube (2 X 600w) -> Dual Cool Tube (2 X 600w) -> Dual Cool Tube (2 X 600w) -> Exhaust It works great, keeps the room temps good and the bulbs cool.
  10. SeattlePot

    The illest song when your high!!!!!

  11. SeattlePot

    glad we are not banned from talking about the goods lsd and mushrooms

    Be carefull, you might get banned from rollitup for talking 'bout conspiracy theories. lol.
  12. SeattlePot

    What plants can I put out around the house to hide that pot smell?

    I don't know of any plants that can mask the strong and unique smell of growing cannabis. I have heard of people using cedar shavings as bark to mask the sent.
  13. SeattlePot

    pepsi or coke?

    Red bull. "The message you have entered is too short."
  14. SeattlePot

    1st time Growing, my plan thus far.

    Next to snitches, odor is one of the biggest things that gets people caught. Carbon air filters work great, but they are noisy. Ozone generators can be used effectively on smaller crops. More elaborate setups include ultraviolet ionizers and other electrical equipment. Unfortunately, all of...
  15. SeattlePot

    1st time Growing, my plan thus far.

    If there is anyone else that will be within 50 feet of that thing you'll need to implement some sort of proactive odor control like a fan nd carbon filter. Ganja is VERY smelly and your jail cell would be about the same size as that greenhouse.
  16. SeattlePot


    And if you get enough reputation, someone just might come to your front door with a special prize!
  17. SeattlePot

    PH Meters - What's a good cheap one?

    Adjusting ph has been a real pain in the ass for me. I just picked up this hobby a few months ago and am learning as I go. I bought the Hanna Ph pen for 100. I have used it probably 50 times and it is already having a difficult time holding calibration. I usually have to calibrate every fourth...
  18. SeattlePot

    PH Meters - What's a good cheap one?

    I could probably eat the shrooms right here and tell you what your ph is :)
  19. SeattlePot

    PH Meters - What's a good cheap one?

    Are you growing soil or hydro? Hydroponic nutrients contain ph balancers. My juice is usually right on ph after mixing in the nutes. It does slowly creep up, but that is becuase of the medium I am using, rockwool. Depending on what type of growing medium you are using, you may find that your...
  20. SeattlePot

    PH Meters - What's a good cheap one?

    Even the 100 dollar ph meters rarely last a year. If you buy a cheap one you'll be lucky if it works out of the box and probably wont last more than a few months.