Search results

  1. SeattlePot

    Washington Medical Mary Patients....

    Washingtons list of acceptable diseases for which marijuana can be prescribed is much stricter than Californias. Here is some information from the NORML website. I found it in about 15 seconds using this awesome new research tool called GOOGLE. Washington SUMMARY: Fifty-nine percent of...
  2. SeattlePot

    Clonig main cola

    I have just started another grow with about 20 plants from seed. Unfortunately the grow space has 6 foot ceilings and I am growing hydroponicaly so I will need to top the plants. I would like to take the tops and make them into clones. Not only will this keep the plants height down but it will...
  3. SeattlePot

    Finish the sentence above you!

    to a whole new level. Remember, this is the only...
  4. SeattlePot

    Washington Medical Mary Patients....

    I agree with superhighme, it is always a bad idea to reveal the exact city you live in on these types of message boards. doh!
  5. SeattlePot

    Question about my set up????

    You could use a single larger inline fan connected to a "Y" in your exhaust ducting. It would have to be sucking air from the rooms and you would have to watch how you run the ducting to insure that it is sucking the proper proportions from each room. It would be good to have two intakes, one...
  6. SeattlePot

    quick drying with silica gel packs. anyone?

    Rather than gel packs, use desiccant. Its cheap and you can buy it at hardware and boat stores. It is used to dry damp rooms like basements and closets before painting as well as keeping lockers on ships dry. Its probably not really worth it though. It may dry a little quicker but the smoke...
  7. SeattlePot

    Weird looking seedling

    I have'nt seen that before but don't assume that the plant will be weak because of it. My last crop consisted of twenty seeds and all of the sprouted. They where all perfect except for one that was missing one of its cotyledons. Amazingly it turned out to be the strongest plant and outgrew the...
  8. SeattlePot

    What is the best cloning machine available?

    Well, I think that the plant I cloned from was just too young. Even though it was almost three feet tall it was only five weeks old. Other than that Icant figure out why they died.
  9. SeattlePot

    where can i get a descent timer?

    It really depnds on what you are trying to do. Do you need it to be upgradeable in the future? Any hardware store sells several models of 120v timers. You can get the same ones cheaper online as well. Intermatic is the primary manufactuyre and they offer several levels of quality, anywhere from...
  10. SeattlePot

    How much pot do you need to smoke to fail a urine test?

    It really depends a lot on the type of test used. Instant test are not very sensitive and can often times be defeated by drinking LOTS of water before the sample is given. Many of these have a 50 ng detection cutoff. More precise testing such a mass spectrometry and gas chromatography are much...
  11. SeattlePot

    Infared Blocking

    There is no way to "block" infrared. Infrared cameras will show temperatures variations on outside surfaces, ie. they can tell how hot the outside walls of your house are. Obvious signs of a grow op could be things like a very hot garage or a single wall of a house being much, much hotter than...
  12. SeattlePot

    What is the best cloning machine available?

    After an unsucesfull attempt at cloning using gel, rockwool, and tray/dome I have decided to invest in a cloning machine. The EZ-cloners seem like nice machines but they are so expensive. Are they worth the money? What do you use?
  13. SeattlePot

    overwatering rockwool

    Everything I have read indicates that it is nearly impossible to over-water rockwool. But A couple of months ago i transplanted some very small seedlings into six inch rockwool cubes and had some problems. The plants where growing very slowly for several weeks and even though I was only watering...
  14. SeattlePot

    Algae problem!! Solutions? or throw them away?

    I use foam disposable plates from the grocery store. They are easy to cut and slip around the stalk. They also reflect light back up and can be removed and replaced easily. Cardboard will rot, styrofoam wont.
  15. SeattlePot

    What sex is my plant (your help would be appriecated!)

    Theres no way to tell yet. And even if a plant begins to look like a girl/boy, don't get anxious because things change. Your looking in the right spot, juts keep growing them until you notice bunches of pollens sacks at the inter nodes. They will look like bunches of grapes.
  16. SeattlePot

    NIRVANA SEEDS are Thieves,Cheats,and Liars

    Hmmm, Sounds like you've had some bad luck. I just placed my third order with Nirvana about two weeks ago, I am expecting delivery any day. My previous two orders arrived no problem and I have had 40/40 successful germinations. Things do get lost, delayed, snagged in the mail. If you sent them...
  17. SeattlePot

    Help with sub-panel

  18. SeattlePot

    Help with sub-panel

    So I would like to set up a new grow in an outbuilding. Unfortunately, its not really going to be possible to run new wire to the site, the neighbors would likely find it suspicious. Currently there is an underground 12/2, 20 amp line going to the site. Is there any reason why I could retro-fit...
  19. SeattlePot

    240v Ballast and a step-up tranformer.

    I recently purchased a lumatek digital ballast (dual 600 watt). It is designed for a 240v outlet and that is what it is plugged into now. Recently I have decided to move the op to another location that does not have an accessible 240v outlet. Can I use a "step-up transformer" to run the ballast...
  20. SeattlePot

    How much time between pre-flower and pollen?

    A few days ago one of my 4 week old plants showed its first female pre-flower. The next day most of the rest f the plants began too show. I have one confirmed male at this point but still have several plants that are unconfirmed. What is the minimum amount of time that could pass between male...