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  1. SdY183

    Question on the curing process.

    try your local cigar store. odds are they will have a stack of cigar boxes in the corner for sale on the cheap. a lot of the time they will just give them away.
  2. SdY183

    MN Outdoor Guerrilla Grow

    how's the hand doing?
  3. SdY183

    how much dry weight will a mason jar hold?

    cool, thanks guys.
  4. SdY183

    how much dry weight will a mason jar hold?

    on average, how much dried buds can you fit into a quart size mason jar? thanks
  5. SdY183

    Outdoor from seed question

    i was trying to figure out something like that myself and i came up with an idea with 5 gal buckets but somebody suggested to simply cover them with 2L bottles. simple and cheap. here's the thread if you're interested...
  6. SdY183

    MN Outdoor Guerrilla Grow

    OG, how long does it have to freeze before it kills the plant? if it does frost over, can you still salvage the bud, or is it destroyed immediately?
  7. SdY183

    Gods watching you,lol

    there's always 00 rock salt...
  8. SdY183

    idea for outdoor seed starter - input needed

    hi guys, i'm a total noob trying to get ready for a guerrilla grow next year. been reading lots of grow books and pouring through the RIU forums and grow journals and picking up lots of great information. So thanks! Many of you have helped me tremendously already and don't even know it...
  9. SdY183

    MN Outdoor Guerrilla Grow

    damn, i feel like i just somehow jinxed you and mastertow both :( i'm really sorry to hear that. I hope you have a speedy recovery.
  10. SdY183

    Wisconsin Outdoor Attempt

    man, that sucks. i think cutting them early might be your best bet. if he takes the 3, he's going to look for more. if he sees them chopped, he's likely to assume you chopped all of them early. are you sure he is going to steal them and not go notify a cop though? he could have your plates...
  11. SdY183

    Wisconsin Outdoor Attempt

    thanks for the thread. i'm trying to follow some other peoples' grows to get ready for mine next year.
  12. SdY183

    MN Outdoor Guerrilla Grow

    thanks for the thread. i'm a fng trying to follow somebody through a grow to get ready for mine next year. there's some good info here.