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  1. Pothead32

    Outdoor Grow -Season _1

    Everything is looking good bro, I agree with ThinkSayMakeDo, it it's looking sativa dominate. Except for perhaps picture #5. As for trying to re root the one toped plant, I would just let it go and do it's thing. I had a little plant tip over at my spot and I thought it was a gonner. It...
  2. Pothead32

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Pothead32 reporting in:blsmoke: Went to see the kids a few days ago and all is looking well. No dead plants this time. I went out there with a pocket full of pennys and made little barriers against slugs with them around all the plants main stems. Still didn't get a new camera yet guys so im...
  3. Pothead32

    1badmasonmans 2010 Guerilla Adventures.

    Everything is looking great 1bmm, keep it up!!!
  4. Pothead32

    First Gorrilla Grow Journal 97 seeds

    Hey Waldo, sorry about the problems my brother. You take care of yourself man and keep your head up. I'll see ya back on here again in the future. Keep in touch with the RIU community...
  5. Pothead32

    Kc Brains? Have You?

    Hey riddleme, thats a good idea right there. After I bought my brains choice from the Tude I found out KC had a website and went there. At that time he wasent listing them and I was worried that I probably ended up with some old beans. I was lucky and the all sprouted.
  6. Pothead32

    Kc Brains? Have You?

    Hey Man, thanks for that first hand info on KC. I am definately pleased so far. They are currently the little champs in my garden this year. I'm growing Brains Choice out there.
  7. Pothead32

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Thanks Dave, aprectate it. Ya I have a reward, some sticky buds from there sisters around the end of Septemberbongsmilie
  8. Pothead32

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    I'm going out to check on my plants tonight or tomorrow night and will be taking a few pic's or maby making a video and starting my grow journal. When I went out there last week I had three deaths due to slugs or some other stem loving creature. A well, 12 left. Good luck everyone!!!
  9. Pothead32

    NeL's guerilla grow 2010

    Just load the pics to your computer then load them to RIU. fuck photobucket. It's simple to put them straight on RIU.
  10. Pothead32

    Outdoor Grow -Season _1

    Looking good man. It's going to be interesting to see the massive bush that developes from the little patch of seedlings. What nutes do you plan on using?
  11. Pothead32

    Triple superphosphate for folar feeding

    Hello all. Quick question, can a triple superphosphate fertilizer like the one in the picture be used to folar feed a plant in order to enhance bud production? The NPK is 0-45-0 +rep
  12. Pothead32

    My First Outdoor Groperation! (Video)

    And what are the strains?
  13. Pothead32

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Hey hic, try neem oil, bugs wont go near anything with that stuff on it. I got some Mandala's going right now myself, 8 Miles High. So far im pretty pleased. I have a question, does all this rain and cloudy/dreary shit that we are having right now negatively affect the plants growth? Like from...
  14. Pothead32

    my raised beds,new pics,painted

    Good to hear from ya Sodalite, was wondering where you were. Sorry to hear about the loss of 6 plants. On the bright side you have plenty more and now that you know there is something is in the area with a taste for stems you can take preventative actions. Good luck bro... Can't wait to see some...
  15. Pothead32

    My First Outdoor Groperation! (Video)

    Looks like you got yourself a nice little setup going bro. Come fall you should have some nice buds to smoke. Everything is looking pretty good imo. What kind of nutes are you using? Subscribed...
  16. Pothead32

    New outdoor grower's slogan

    Good one bro, +rep
  17. Pothead32

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    :weed:Lookin good hic:weed:
  18. Pothead32

    Leaving supplies at your plot?

    I'm keeping supplies at my spot this year. Bucket for water, unused chicken wire, ect. Like Stonerfishey said, getting caught with supplies would be the least of our worries. Just keep everything well hidden so it don't draw attention.
  19. Pothead32

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Did you guys see this promo from Attitude? 7 free seeds with just a small order.K6RTKPuslxo&feature
  20. Pothead32

    Guerrilla Grow 2010, Let's do it!

    Will do FWF, I will be starting a grow journal soon and I will put a link to it in this thread. They are in the ground now and doing well. This being my first outdoor grow I am excited to see where it goes. I've done a few indoors but this will be my first go with mother nature.