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  1. L

    Post your Soil(less) mix!

    agreed. It comes down to self respect. Do you care if you kill or harm yourself? lol Do you want synthetics some guy, that you dont know nor ever will, made in your blood, lungs, brain etc? The only effect it has on that person is their financial stability. Your health doesnt matter to them. So...
  2. L

    First Time grow!

    right on brotha!! i told you man once they get going and you find your "groove" or routine u get to sit back and enjoy the performance:)
  3. L

    Attitude seeds suck!!!

    um idk maybe they dont like you? lol i ordered a few tga seeds and got like 5 freebies they basically gave me back what i paid for. i dont know how these ppl scam or anything else. And the shipping was VERY prompt. Almost too prompt lol i wasnt expecting the package that soon lol
  4. L

    Does everbody does it ship to the us

    i used my personal card. Havent had any issues arise. Attitude promotions man...ohh also guy dont forget to enter codes like rollitup etc for an additional discount. Im not sure if they are still doing this one but certain codes will get u an extra discount on top of all those freebies they give...
  5. L

    Help with new Organic feeding schedule VITAL EARTH ORGANICS

    it should be around 6.5 i would have left it where it was honestly imo. but no thats not a huge swing i think he means like from 4 to 9 lol or something similiar.
  6. L

    First Time grow!

    came back through to update you on the girls. They are growing way faster than ive ever heard. I was really lucky with these beans. Ive only been in flower for like 5 days. I identified two males today and removed them from the tent and then there were 6. Three of those were identified as...
  7. L

    Does everbody does it ship to the us

    attitude seed bank brotha! theyve got some killer deals right now. I just recieved my package from them today and i live on the east coast. I ordered around the 15th. These people will treat you well. I had 0 issues whatsoever. I have 0 complaints. Im actually looking at purchasing again in the...
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    an expert noob :)

    just an update on the garden..i have postively identified 3 females. Two males. not bad considering bag seed. 6 plants total left in the tent. 3 left to identify. Also left the mh in for now. Will be changing soon. Also held of on the nutes for now to keep from so much growth. Will be feeding...
  9. L

    The Main-Lining Thread

    After seeing this i will be using this technique no question. Idk why anyone wouldnt? Im really digging this technique! Also diggin this thread because it makes me feel confident in my ability to do it because u actually posted step by step. Great thread man again thanks alot for the knowledge!!
  10. L

    The Main-Lining Thread

    I just found this thread..unfortunately a little too late for my current run; currently having space/light/bleaching issues..oh well just recieved some genetics attitude and tga today!! i cannot wait to try this technique to maximize my space issue. Very thorough and very clear. Left no room for...
  11. L

    Need some help with 400w MH Hortilux Blu And Hortilux HPS

    i definitely want the best of both worlds. THats why ive kept mh in so far. Im looking to encourage quality switch to hps and fattem them girls up. My problem though right now is the stretch. Im concerned about keeping these short. ive got one bleaching but i only have like 10 more inches at...
  12. L

    A small problem... HELP NEEDED

    Thats really funny; good way to start my day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Well I can recommend u start here. U only get out what you put in..i Use happy frog(already well balanced)/local nursery mix/ azomite/ jamaican...
  13. L

    First Time grow!

    oh and thanks for the compliment lol yea im trying to stop the growth..idk how thats gonna happen lol idk if its a good thing or not yet. we will see in a few weeks!!
  14. L

    First Time grow!

    yea man they are looking good so far! itll be a minute but you will be there. Mine took off before i knew it. Once they hit their permanent pots and got a good meal i got to sit back and watch:) you will be there soon! but yea they look fine to me. Nothing to sweat.
  15. L

    an expert noob :)

    hah yea thats cool! we will be reaping all the benefits and hard work soon! Man yea they are a hand ful. Lots of tending to everyday in such a small space. But yea i think im about to throw in the hps and feed em tomorrow. We will see what happens:)
  16. L

    Need some help with 400w MH Hortilux Blu And Hortilux HPS

    thanks for the help. why should the hps be in over the MH?
  17. L

    First Time grow!

    man you should be good with that for only 3 ladies at a time look at this lol i went with numbers due to them being bag seeds(just in case half were male or herms). i should say good bag seed like lemon kush etc so but anyways i didnt expect them to shoot like this. Ive been training all the fan...
  18. L

    Need some help with 400w MH Hortilux Blu And Hortilux HPS

    Ok i have an issue..47.25" x 23.5" x 5'3" thats my dimensions of the tent. Ok this is best pic i have available(night time for the ladies right now) ill get more soon. Anyways that light only has about another 12"s at most from the top of the tent. I flipped the lights on the 19th. they were...
  19. L

    What happens if your Plant is wider

    wow nice stems lol well i should say tree trunk hah i just updated my thread you should check out my newest pics They keep getting bleached because they shoot up alot over night since i flipped to 12/12..idk what to do anymore my light...
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    an expert noob :)

    notice the first pic and the color comparison to the rest :) im excited about this lady. also notice how the color of that stem is redish now as it was purple. Yea my ladies are basically leaking out of my hoping they dont get much taller as the light doesnt have much more room to go...