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  1. Rock80

    [Grow Journal] First ever grow, using CFLs

    Thanks for all of you responses and I think you're all right about #1 being in trouble. I've staked it to give it some support so maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. The 1st pic is of Plant #2 as it looks today. The last 2 pics below are of Plant #3. It seems to have responded positively to...
  2. Rock80

    [Grow Journal] First ever grow, using CFLs

    I looked at the stem again of Plant 1 just to make sure that I was seeing it correctly and it is twisted, like I thought (See pic below). I'm going to attach it to a small stick to try and prop it up. Hopefully that'll train it to stand on it's own. I've been watering about once every 3-4...
  3. Rock80

    [Grow Journal] First ever grow, using CFLs

    This is my first ever grow and will be strictly for personal use. I was amazed at the amount of information I found on RIU and definitely was motivated to grow by all of you. For this grow, I'm using bagseed. I figured I'd practice with that before I moved up to seedbank seeds. I mixed my own...
  4. Rock80

    Stealth Cabinet Blueprint

    No journal yet. I'll get some pics and start one tomorrow. I originally used the shelf but then switched to hanging 2 power strips from the roof of the box by chains.
  5. Rock80

    Stealth Cabinet Blueprint

    I sort of followed your advice and drilled about 27 .25" holes in the bottom of the cabinet for passive air intake. I also have the 4" fan at the top of the cabinet for active exhaust. I got the temp down to 86 but I still have to leave the doors cracked open. I'm using 8 26W CFLs.
  6. Rock80

    Stealth Cabinet Blueprint

    I have a cabinet just like it and I found it in Target for $25 now because of the back-to-school sales.
  7. Rock80

    Stealth Cabinet Blueprint

    I have the same cabinet set up but I'm having trouble keeping the temp down. Any suggestions?
  8. Rock80

    Seedling soil

    I've got the 4 seeds sitting underneath 2 23W CFL with a reflector. 3 of the 4 seeds have sprouted above the soil with their cotelydons exposed and the beginnings of their first true leaves. Since this is my first grow, I've been taking detailed notes and I'll start a grow log tomorrow with pics .
  9. Rock80

    Seedling soil

    I planted 4 germinated seeds in the mix a few days ago so hopefully they'll grow up big and strong
  10. Rock80

    Stealth Cabinet Blueprint

    Great set up. I bought the same cabinet and was looking for the best way to arrange everything. Is that one of the cabinet shelves that you've mounted the lights onto? If so, how did you get the shelf to stay suspended above your plants? +REP
  11. Rock80

    Seedling soil

    This is my first grow attempt and I am just about to pot a couple of seedlings that I have germinating. I am making my own soil and planning on using 1/3 Seed Starting Jiffy Mix, 1/3 Vermiculite and 1/3 Perlite. I have a couple of questions. First, is Seed Starting Jiffy Mix ok to use...
  12. Rock80

    South Florida Grow! Arjan's #1, Strawberry Haze, Thai Skunk

    I'm glad to see how well it all went for you. I'm in South Florida and just about to start my first grow. What kind of soil did you use when you first planted the seeds? Did you leave the seeds outside to get sun when they were in the cups?
  13. Rock80

    Growing in South Florida

    Thanks for the info. Would you suggest using indica or sativa? What strain would be best for a beginner?
  14. Rock80

    Growing in South Florida

    The excessive amount of rain was a concern. What's the best way to shield the plant from being drowned but still getting enough rainwater into the plant. Trying to avoid building an elaborate greenhouse. Location would be a backyard grow with 3-4 plants.
  15. Rock80

    Growing in South Florida

    My friend wants to know whether it is too late in the season to start an outside grow this year in South Florida? There's plenty of rain right now and the sun shines for at least 10-12 hours everyday.
  16. Rock80

    Florida Growers Thread

    My friend wants to know whether it is too late in the season to start an outside grow this year in South Florida?