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  1. Jumpin

    Flowering Stage 4th week in need of help

    So I have a drain n fill set up with 175watt hps set up. I have recently switched out the res and started using a different chemical solution. I switched to Advanced Nutrients Jungle. The ph is around 6.8. The issue is that the leaves are starting to develop brown spots, tips are curling...
  2. Jumpin

    Temp Issues need advice

    So I have a small area that I am dealing with. During the veg stage I was using flourescents which worked out perfect. Now that I have switched to flower I put in my hps 400 watt. With the 400watt the temp changed 20degrees. I switched to my smaller 150watt and the temp raised less but still...
  3. Jumpin

    Seedling Issue

    Great help? Go back to facebook
  4. Jumpin

    Seedling Issue

    So the basics: White WidowXNorthern Lights, 8 gallon res, distilled water, ph 5.7, ppm 284 (this is my first time with a ppm reader so not really sure if thats good), 2.5wks old, 3 part advanced nutri, gets watered 4X a day, 3 flourescent lights about 8 inches from tops. I added...
  5. Jumpin

    Major problem with mold

    This might be a dumb question, but when i rinse do i spray the buds or drip them in the water? I was going to fill a small rectangle container with the baking soda and milk and dunk the nugs into it and hang. Then after a few hours dunk into new baking soda and milk solution, let sit. Then...
  6. Jumpin

    Major problem with mold

    Baking soda and milk solution? Do I rinse it afterwards?
  7. Jumpin

    Major problem with mold

    Does it matter that is in on the buds and not the leafs? I have done a lot of searching online and some people say that if it is in the buds you do not want to spray anything because you will be smoking it. I moved them out of the growing location to dry just because I figure environment change...
  8. Jumpin

    Major problem with mold

    So I went out of town for a few days and I came back and I have white powder mold over almost off of my buds. It is less than a week away from being harvested too. I was already flushing when I went away so I cut them and they are now hanging to dry. What can I do to get the mold off the buds...
  9. Jumpin

    Drain and Fill feeding

    do you think that is what is causes my babies leafs to look like shit? All tips brown and curling, brown spots? Over nutri since they are getting watered/fed 3 times with lights and 3 without?
  10. Jumpin

    Drain and Fill feeding

    I have a drain and fill set-up with a 8 gallon res. I have been feeding them 9 times a day but started to get leaf damage so i cut it back to 7 times a day. I was curious how often should the pump turn on to feed and should i only do it during the time the light is on? They are flowering now...
  11. Jumpin

    Flowering girls are not well???

    Yeah its a long strain and they were stressed in the beginning when my light blew. I think one is almost completed but the other strain has all clear hairs so I figure it still has another 2 weeks to go. The leafs are starting to look worse though as time goes on. Should I flush them and see...
  12. Jumpin

    Plant's tips are turning yellow in DWC! WHAT COULD IT BE?? Please Help. :-(

    make it just high enough so the pods the seeds are in get moist
  13. Jumpin

    Flowering girls are not well???

    So my girls have been in flower for about 7 weeks now. I am using drain and fill set up, with advance nutri. and the ph is kept at 6.5. I have added a really small amount of espon salt as well. They have been starting to get brown tips at first all over. Now they are starting to get brown...
  14. Jumpin

    Plant's tips are turning yellow in DWC! WHAT COULD IT BE?? Please Help. :-(

    water too high if you are using the bubbler system, the bubbles should be popping right below your root system. The popping bubbles basically mist the roots. When your root system is stronger you will see they will grow down into the water and then it is fine as long as you have enough oxygen...
  15. Jumpin

    Flowering girls need help

    So I have cut down the amount of times the pump kicks on to feed. I cut it back to 7 times per day and now they are looking worse. The tips on all of them now are turning brown and some are getting spots. Should I increase the nutri of micro? I think they are lacking mag but I could be...
  16. Jumpin

    Flowering girls need help

    I can wait, I was just worried that it was something with the levels. You have no idea how many times I have tried to have babies and each time got a male or hem so this grow I am very cautious. Thanks for the input.
  17. Jumpin

    Flowering girls need help

    Thanks for all the advise on the leaf issue. What about with the white hairs? They are all white, I do not have even one that has turned. Could it be just because it is not getting the correct nutri and or ph level? I have a 250w hps and it is only two plants growing, I am sure that it is...
  18. Jumpin

    Flowering girls need help

    would you do the flush or just drop the feeding down? I did think it was getting a little to much, the roots would always be wet when I would look at them and then the pump would come on and fill up the container to give another feeding.
  19. Jumpin

    Flowering girls need help

    So I have been doing great up until now. I have had them in flowering for about 5 weeks now and I have noticed lately the leafs are getting brown tips as well as the edges. I have not had any problems until the last time I changed the res water and nutri. Set up wise, its a drain and fill, it...
  20. Jumpin

    Feminised Seeds

    How is it shipped? Do you purchase anything else from them or just the seeds? Im just curious if like with other banks ordering a shirt or anything else will make it easier/better