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  1. G

    Thoughts and advice!!

    Well I'm posting an update if anyone is interested in giving me opinions or advice I would greatly appreciate it. To start I'm in week five of flowering three black water og. I'm really just interested in knowing if my buds are soing ok and if they will fatten up more these next couple of weeks...
  2. G

    Thoughts and advice!!

    update there about two weeks into flower..what do you guys think?
  3. G

    Thoughts and advice!!

    Thr sarcasm is real on this thread lmfao
  4. G

    Thoughts and advice!!

    That will work great for the pine tree out front of my house lmfao
  5. G

    Thoughts and advice!!

    A pound give or take 16 ounces lmao
  6. G

    Thoughts and advice!!

    It's been in flower for four days could I still up pot safely?
  7. G

    Thoughts and advice!!

    I gradually stepped up size of pots been in a 7 gallon for a month..been in veg almost two months there a few inches over two ft and about 16 in wide..I did a lot of fim and topped so there's quite a few cola. I've been using go box nutes and soil.
  8. G

    Thoughts and advice!!

    Thanks bro..yea I figured that would be the average estimate considering I'm a newb .5 per w..but merry Christmas tobyou and yours!!
  9. G

    Thoughts and advice!!

    It may seem excessive considering I only have three plants in a tent but what do you think about hooking another 1000w hps in there vertically
  10. G

    Thoughts and advice!!

    Will do when I get home from end to end it's about 16 or eighteen inches my first three weeks were horrible so I would say that stunted growth
  11. G

    Thoughts and advice!!

    I water when the soil dries out ..and nutes every third you think I should mix in fewer intervals? What sights of water problems are you seeing
  12. G

    Thoughts and advice!!

    Yea not understanding the importance of those things in the beginning being my first grow but I'm on top of it now..
  13. G

    Thoughts and advice!!

    Thinks for the advice brother! Do you think that it looks like a plant capible if producing?
  14. G

    Thoughts and advice!!

    Hi, this is my first grow any advise or thoughts as to how my plants look or what I can expect would be greatly appreciated..well I have three black waters under 1000 w mh/hps. In seven gallon buckets with soil...go box nutes.. everything solid ph and temp .been in veg for two and a half months...