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  1. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    Aussie Outdoor 08/09

    here is my plant at nearly 8 weeks old. it has only been tipped 1 time about 1 week ago. i have a smaller plant but that isnt worth showing. it has stuggled a bit and will probably turn male. hey im just using miracle grow water soluble (the blue stuff ya get from bunnings). it seems to really...
  2. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    Aussie Outdoor 08/09

    hey yeah i have some pics in my computer i can show u. hey iv always wanted to buy off a seed bank but i always thought id get caught. has anybody been caught for doing it that you guys no? it would be good to no that good quality seeds are that easy to get?
  3. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    Aussie Outdoor 08/09

    hey im steph and im a proud aussie chick from melbourne vic. my 2 plants are already 2months old. i cant wait coz its my first ever grow. i will probably have alot of questions to ask and hopefully you guys wanna answer them?
  4. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    a question about flowering

    how old is an outdoor plant when it starts flowering stage? like is it 6 months or 7 months etc. i really wanna no coz my plant is 2 months old and in vegetation stage. this is grown outdoors!!!!!!
  5. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    Welcome New Members!

    heys im QT from oz. iv just gotten a friend to tip my plant and the top has grown back 3 new heads. i was told it would grow back 2 heads so now im freaking out thinking my plants has been ruined. but then someone told me it was a good thing. is this normal or just something that rarely happens...
  6. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    Help a Newb!! Male or Female?

    so your not interested ok then thanx for the advice. ill stop stressing that the stem has grown to far out of the dirt.
  7. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    Help a Newb!! Male or Female?

    what do you mean send. how do i end pics to people coz i have a shit load that you guys would love to see coz surprise i also do part time personal stripping at partys. NO IM NOT A PROSTITUTE
  8. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    Help a Newb!! Male or Female?

    dont judge a book by its cover? i got laughed at wen i told this guy i wanted to grow plants. maybe i just dont look like the type
  9. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    Help a Newb!! Male or Female?

    well im the chick on the far right in my avartar pic that appears in this box. should i go further or not....
  10. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    Help a Newb!! Male or Female?

    pics of me or the plants?
  11. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    Help a Newb!! Male or Female?

    koolies. me and my friends were given some seeds and we sprouted 2 of them. we have stuk them in 30 litre pots. we live in australia so we use the sun as our lighting. our stems are about 1.5cm long. is that ok?
  12. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    Help a Newb!! Male or Female?

    and what color should it be?
  13. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    Help a Newb!! Male or Female?

    when the seed comes through the top of the dirt and the two leaves split open how long should the stem be?
  14. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    Help a Newb!! Male or Female?

    hello i just wanted to ask i quick question
  15. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    Help a Newb!! Male or Female?

    you must be blind to ask that question
  16. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    Help a Newb!! Male or Female?

    hey can you guys give us girls some advice coz we have never grown plant before
  17. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    Help a Newb!! Male or Female?

    looks like a female coz of the hairs. males have i guess balls hehe which are pretty obvious
  18. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    my pm box is NOT a chat room

    hey peoples can someone give me some advice about some baby plants iv grown? this is the only forum going right now i think
  19. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    Seed position root tip up or down in rw?

    and by upwards i mean like 5 cm before the leaves even split open at the top.
  20. tHiS.QT.iS.hAppY

    Seed position root tip up or down in rw?

    also if you dont give your sprouts sunlight asoon as they come thru the dirt the stem will keep growing upwards because the plant is looking for sunlight. just something i have learnt