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  1. D

    Why is my plant not flowering?

    She started flowering a week ago - looking great :D
  2. D

    Why is my plant not flowering?

    yes i am got them v v cheap online... probably got some poor genetics
  3. D

    Why is my plant not flowering?

    If you mean the strain - super silver haze Sex - feminised
  4. D

    Why is my plant not flowering?

    well they are feminised seeds so im assuming i havent been well unlucky / ripped off... The nodes have little swellings but they dont seem to be changing at all, they might have been there all along but i just didnt notice them though...
  5. D

    Why is my plant not flowering?

    Just took out 2 of the 11W 6400K CFLs and replaced with a 30W 2700k. Keep me posted on your own progress :)
  6. D

    Why is my plant not flowering?

    ok so its been 3 and a half weeks now, still no flowering but a fair amount of stretching. I am going to replace some more of the lights with 2700Ks, and do what i can about any remaining light leaks. Then leave for 24hrs dark. Fingers crossed! P.S - Could some form of deficiency be...
  7. D

    Why is my plant not flowering?

    light leaks is very possible, ive covered up the major areas where light could get in, but there are still a few small areas. Still getting vege growth, however it has slowed down a lot. Im not using any nutes because i had some nute burn developing, so just cut out all the nutes - the...
  8. D

    Why is my plant not flowering?

    ok i vegged for 4 weeks, then switched to 12/12 lighting. That was now 16 days ago, just over 2 weeks - still no signs of flowering... any advice? Will plants still flower using 6400K lights? (CFLs) help! :(
  9. D

    how long before pistils / hairs appear?

    growing super silver haze, feminised seed, vegged for 4 weeks, flowering for 1.5 weeks - no sign of flowering. 11W CFL x 5 generally, how long do you expect to wait until pistils appear? Also, new growth have leaves curling down? Ph problem? thanks
  10. D

    Should i start flowering?

    can you explain that again sorry dont quite get what you mean? and thanks :)
  11. D

    Should i start flowering?

    though if she's topped she shouldnt be growing vertically too much right?
  12. D

    Should i start flowering?

    im a bit worried about her outgrowing the cupboard if i wait 2 weeks...
  13. D

    Should i start flowering?

    yeah i read quite a few guides before hand, just a little nervous chopping my first plant lol - but i think Doris is gonna be fine. just hope she doesnt rocket to the top of the cupboard...
  14. D

    Should i start flowering?

    time and space? i want it now and im limited to a cupboard lol
  15. D

    Topped plant no new growth!

    yeah sorry i meant the new shoots at the top...
  16. D

    Should i start flowering?

    ok cool, starting to regret topping a little lol, any reassurance that it was worth it?
  17. D

    Should i start flowering?

    sorry i forgot lol they up now
  18. D

    Should i start flowering?

    hey, this is doris she is 3.5 weeks old, was thinking of starting flowering when she turns a month old? she's super silver haze. i am restricted to the height of the cupboard so i dont want her rocketing up to the top when she flowers, any advice? i.e. how would she do if i were to flower at the...
  19. D

    Topped plant no new growth!

    when i went to take the pics i saw some small new leaves forming at the topped node, im guessing these will form the new shoots? got plenty of new shoots growing downstairs now :) think i can relax a bit. the leaning is still a small concern, could it be from the fan being on one side of the plant ?
  20. D

    Topped plant no new growth!

    yeah il get one in a sec. its been growing fine until now!