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  1. D

    Topped plant no new growth!

    hey, i topped my plant about 2 days ago and theres no new growth where i topped it, the rest of the plant has gotten bigger , and i can always notice new growth from the top, its about 3.5 weeks old now... and the top has swung away from the lights?? HELPPP
  2. D

    What is happening here?? warping leaves :S

    no idea, the water is like 7.4, im using all purpose compost and i dont know the Ph of maxicrop seaweed stuff
  3. D

    What is happening here?? warping leaves :S

    my mate had a look and came up with an idea... my cupbard doesnt quite close properly, meaning there is a bit of light getting in during the dark period. i've covered the crack in the door so we'll see if this helps.
  4. D

    What is happening here?? warping leaves :S

    Doris here is about 2.5 weeks old and doing brilliantly, apart from the older leaves are sort of warping :S can't seem to find much on this, ive done a fair bit of research and this is new to me. any ideas whats happening and how to fix it, or if its even a problem at all? Super Silver Haze...
  5. D

    First grow, young plant, will it be ok?! eek

    Doris' grow journal...
  6. D

    First grow, young plant, will it be ok?! eek

    yay she's lookin fiiiinnnneeeee
  7. D

    First grow, young plant, will it be ok?! eek

    Edgar looking much better after some nute feeds and a new top layer of compost, also a small support rod to straighten him up a bit... still not looking anywhere near 100%. Super silver haze is 6 days old now, growing so quickly :D called her Doris... feminised seed :P Mylar working a treat...
  8. D

    First grow, young plant, will it be ok?! eek

    a bit scared to transplant it, seems a little fragile, but i do have some good multi purpose compost i used to plant the haze, maybe give it a fresh start. I noticed the roots and stuff on the soil, is it really bad for the plant? just thought like its organic stuff just leave it there?
  9. D

    First grow, young plant, will it be ok?! eek

    looking much better! good growth in the new leaves and some colour returning to the leaves below. also, they are not curling down like the others, the new leaves keeping a nice shape :D Planted a super silver haze tonight that germinated so fingers crossed for the new arrival too :D
  10. D

    First grow, young plant, will it be ok?! eek

    the yellowing leaves look worse, but the new leaves have grown a little and looking healthy. watered it with rainwater and a bit of that seedling fertiliser, we'll see what happens. Seeds arrived today :D also got some mylar in the form of wrapping paper, will get that up for the new plants :)
  11. D

    First grow, young plant, will it be ok?! eek

    well the CFLs got to 90F at their peak, and i can't see it getting much hotter than that in there after ive taken down the foil and put a fan in there. Is there much of a fire hazard to use paper? im going to work now and popping into the gift shop, apparently shiny wrapping paper is made of...
  12. D

    First grow, young plant, will it be ok?! eek

    I'll give it a try next time i water it. Just took the foil down and the 100W CFL, still got the other 4 lights in there. Would white paper work as apposed to painting the cupboard white?
  13. D

    White Paper to line a grow box?

    Would white paper work as apposed to painting the inside surface white? i'm not allowed to paint the cupboard you see...
  14. D

    First grow, young plant, will it be ok?! eek

    well the donater was called edgar, im hoping to have to rename her Edgelina... well looked at edgar again today, ive managed to get the temp to just under 80F, but still looking a bit worse for wear. theres what looks to be the start of new leaves growing further down the stem, and it might...
  15. D

    First grow, young plant, will it be ok?! eek

    I'll get on the case of some white paint / mylar and get the computer fans in there tomorrow, hopefully Edgar will survive! thanks for the input :)
  16. D

    First grow, young plant, will it be ok?! eek

    im guessing it rooted as it has leaves... sorry not quite sure what you mean...
  17. D

    First grow, young plant, will it be ok?! eek

    well i watered it with rainwater today from our waterbutt, strained the bugs etc out of it. dont know what he used to water it. ive got some seeds in the post but wana try and keep this one alive to learn as much from it as poss before investing one of my fem seeds. it has a really long stem...
  18. D

    First grow, young plant, will it be ok?! eek

    no idea, this guy grew some pretty successful stuff in the past so i imagine its fairly good quality. could it be nitrogen deficiency? i havent fed it anything. hazard a guess at how old she is?
  19. D

    First grow, young plant, will it be ok?! eek

    hey first grow here, this plant was donated to me today but my growbox wasnt ready, so ive had to just stick it in there anyway. There are a few things wrong/missing from the box - like ive lined it with aluminium foil im trying hard to get some mylar or white paint in there. i didnt think heat...