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  1. Black Uhuru

    Bagseed CFL Virgin

    lights, 2, 42w, 3600k 2, 23w, 3600k soil MG African Violet Potting mix. Going to upgrade lights soon to 2 104 watt, 6500k,(400w equivalent) and leave the 2 42w 3600k
  2. Black Uhuru

    Bagseed CFL Virgin

    First time, its fun watching it grow lol, Germinated in a computer case 1/23 By 1/28 they sprouted and i moved them into a ghetto cabinet i rigged up It has a 2 bathroom fans 1 for exhaust and 1 for intake i bought them from homde depot and returned it the same day and said the bottom hald...
  3. Black Uhuru

    OMG I Need an Electrician... or at least electric savvy.

    If there are electrical supply stores in your area take a visit and ask for some help. Tell them what your problem is dont mention what your doing lol just say when you plug in stuff into your outlet in the room it trips and you want to upgrade. They should be able to set you up with the...
  4. Black Uhuru

    OMG I Need an Electrician... or at least electric savvy.

    What size breakers do you have? Do you have a 15 amp breaker? You most likely haveto upgrade the breaker to 20a, you should get an Electrician to help you out. if you do upgrade the breaker, ask the electrician about twin breakers, this gives you two circuits in the space of 1 breaker. This is...
  5. Black Uhuru

    If You Were On A Deserted Island & Could Only Have One Strain , What Would It Be?

    any mexican mids, or any seeds from africa where it grows like wildfire in harsh conditions
  6. Black Uhuru

    Living in the forest for the next two year's, aboriginal style. Is it unpractical to

    Damn JJ seeing your pics only one thing comes to mind. Your a real life Lumberjack Commando. Something of legend manifested in the flesh lol. Seeing your pics reminds of my yearly trips to the adirondacks in the northeast.
  7. Black Uhuru

    Justified Shooting or Not?

    They rather spends tons of money on fire arms, donuts, and 50 cent wing nights for the boys, rather than teaching officers mental health,martial arts hand to hand training.
  8. Black Uhuru

    FOUND an old still kicks!

    i found a twenty bag of regs on the very top of the window sill. I found it when i was going to repaint my room, I was taping of the window sills on the ladder when i stumbled upon the yellow baggie lol. I remeber my friend used to sell his bud out of yellow baggies about 4 years earlier. Lets...
  9. Black Uhuru

    Justified Shooting or Not?
  10. Black Uhuru

    Justified Shooting or Not?

    The police force across the entire US is out of touch with reality, People say dont let the few bad cops spoil it for the rest. it seems the few are OK and the rest are just raging high school homos, and their wives rule over them with an iron fist while at home so they take it out on the...
  11. Black Uhuru

    Does a Cigarette Relieve your Headache

    I never got into natural tobacco or cigarettes, i tried to pull on a cigarette once and it made me feel sick and my mouth tasted really funny. YUCK,
  12. Black Uhuru

    Does a Cigarette Relieve your Headache

    I dont know about the cigarettes thats available here in the US. like marlboro, newport, camel, i dont think they have healing properties. I think if you were to use natural tobacco strait from the ground like indigenous cultures, without all the chemicals and bullshit in it, Im sure it can help...
  13. Black Uhuru

    Google exposure has led to threads being jacked by websites....

    All it takes is one cop who stumbles upon it and wants to be a cunt and make an example out of someone. I see your reason for concern with this type of thing. Will they get anywhere with their fruitless efforts, most likely not, but the stress it will cause a common person is disgusting
  14. Black Uhuru

    Google exposure has led to threads being jacked by websites....

    there is another site like that called ganjadigger or something like that
  15. Black Uhuru

    Justified Shooting or Not?

    I say its unjustified, The only resort for cops here in the US is to shoot. Why the fuck dont they teach officers martial arts? Why are 90% of officers so fucking overweight and out of shape they cant even fight their way out of a wet paper bag, And the ones that are in shape probably have roid...
  16. Black Uhuru

    I Feel Uncomfortable when I'm around him.

    Get a pair of steel tipped boots, kick him repeatedly in the anus until he soils himself with feces and intestinal blood
  17. Black Uhuru

    Smoking a blunt of ground up stem

    Let the force be with you, i know alot of people have been out of weed and took a glance at those stems and gave it a thought.
  18. Black Uhuru

    Grow Cabinet.. Looking for Ideas!

    I like the second one better the big part can be where you mount the hid fixture. the side slots you should use to house all of your electrical neatly. power strip and timer mounted to the board and wires tucked neatly. The second pic is best.
  19. Black Uhuru

    1st Grow Ever Window Sill/Cfl

    1-18w 5000k r40 spot lamp. Ive been reading some of the other threads and am planning a small cabinet setup. I already have the cabinet, im just hooking up the lighting and fans for it. This is my first time ever so im taking it slow while having fun
  20. Black Uhuru

    1st Grow Ever Window Sill/Cfl

    Hey all decided to plant a schwagg seed, looking for advice and tips, will post progress as it goes along. the soil im using is regular soil from my vegetable garden. I put it by my window during the day. and use cfl lighting( 18w 5000k r40) from around 6 pm to 2 in the morning then i turn it...