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    NEW white widow grow (pics)

    ive just started growing white widow and am now 3 days in from seed there growing fast and after some advice on stretching them ive droped the light to stop them stretching wa u think?
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    i postede some pics of my plants last week the big one in the pot is afgan but were not sure of the strain of the little one the room i was growing in was too hot bt iv managed to get it down to 80-85 so i thought id post some updated pics for ya to haveya say bout
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    m2 sea of green?

    howmany plants do you guys have in m squared
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    is my set up any good

    you should take your cuttings off a mother plant that you have not flowered your mother should stay in veg for as long as she lives that way you can just keep cutting off her in regular intervals
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    is my set up any good

    yea man i ran at 90-95 and my plants curled under heat stress after some advice i dropped the temp down to 80-85 an there doing just great now man go strong good luck
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    My god look what i got for $349!!!!

    i also agree im in the uk and made a full grow room for veg and flower for the equivelent of 250 dollars thats including all my testing gear nutes medium lights trays resevoir pumps drippers everything u need but youll make ur muney back in due time
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    supergirls what you think (pics)

    no sorry thats what im flowering under im just using a double tube flourescent on them its bout 3 inches from the tips ill post a pic of yesterday in a sec
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    supergirls what you think (pics)

    its hps its a 600w hps and is a little under 3 feet from the tips
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    just sprouted white widow (pics)

    just a double flourescent its not hot
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    600w hps how far from tips (pics)

    im using a afgan female to test my grow room as i have more plants from seed and want to find out if its a good set up ive put 3 pics of my plant thats 2 weeks into flowering i have the 600w hps about 3 feet from the tips and wonderd if theyll burn under the light the temp is bout 85 can top 90...
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    suergirl (nirvana)

    were they cloned or seedlings?
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    my first ww grow! (pics)

    i was quite worried as there already up to the same height as my 12 day old supergirls lol but they have alot more leaves an much thicker stems its notat all hot under the light and i have a oscialting fan running 24/7 so ill drop it an extra inch or so see if it changes anything thanks for the help
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    supergirls what you think (pics)

    would you be able to just cut white a4 paper to size would that do the job?
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    anybody ever order from nirvana seed bank

    im in the uk so carnt really comment i bought 10 fem supergirls andthere doing well but once again carnt really comment on delivery except alot of people from the us bad talk them on here
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    my first ww grow! (pics)

    im not sure what watt they are there just a double flourescent i have them bout 3-4 inches away how close should i drop em?
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    just sprouted white widow (pics)

    so ive bin told ive ditched the tin foil an am using white paint now how close can you drop the lights??
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    supergirls what you think (pics)

    what should i cover the cubes with i am new to this first proper grow i was abit concernd about the green on the cumes
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    supergirls what you think (pics)

    iv ripped down the tin foil and reverted to white paint as i posted about it before an was told it will give hot spots so iv ditched that what would be causing them to stretch?
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    just sprouted white widow (pics)

    iv jus sprouted these 2 feminized white widow seeds and there growing fast 2 days after germ and there already going strong all comments welcome as i like to know how things are goin thanx in advance
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    supergirls what you think (pics)

    also im using nutes for them but im using it at quarter strenght and slowly introducing them to em when there 4 weeks old theyll be taking 4ml to every litre at the mo there only taking 1ml per litre playing it safe as the nutes i have are advised from seed