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  1. G

    Hermie or male??

    It's out in the garden now. With some big pink fake flowers in it, to keep the neighbours guessing!! :o
  2. G

    Hermie or male??

    The long hair is white, and producing some nice bud!
  3. G

    Hermie or male??

    Hi. It's not my day. :( not only have i got spider mites, but i found this. It definitely has balls, but also what looks like bud. Is it hermie or a male with long hair?? :p I've removed it from my grow room anyway, but unsure wether to keep it in the garden or destroy it. I always...
  4. G

    Spider mites? Mn def?? leaf curling?

    Yeah, there is a small web on the leaves. Going to get cracking tomorrow, and go to hydro shop. They have some spidermite control. I can't buy iso alcohol in UK, it's prescription only. Would methylated spirit do the same?? Any UK growers use anything available from supermarket?? This has been...
  5. G

    Spider mites? Mn def?? leaf curling?

    I pulled off a leaf and had a real close look. There is definitely some kind of bug, but it looks more yellow/green in colour. Aren't spider mites black/red??
  6. G

    Spider mites? Mn def?? leaf curling?

    Hi. can't quite work this one out. The whole plant is covered with tiny yellow spots. other plants in grow room are ok. Also, the leaf tips are turning up. I've read that Mn deficency causes spots, but it does also look like spider mites, though i can't see anything with naked eye. What...
  7. G

    transplanting baskets?

    Hi, I'm building my first attempt at Hydro. I'm going for a 30L DWC system with 8 pots for early vegging, before moving plants to a bigger system for final vegging and flower. The smaller system would be better with smaller 2" pots, but i'd want bigger pots for later. Would it be easy to...
  8. G

    First Bubbleponics DWC 5 gallon hydro. Need 3 questions answered

    You really need ventilation! Fresh air is just as important as light, temperature, EC etc. Also, you'll probably want to filter the smell soon! The water temperature will only respond to the air temp, if your air temp is correct, then the water will be as well, cause nothing else is heating the...
  9. G

    First Grow - Soil, White Widow

    Week 8 - 4 weeks flower
  10. G

    Any reviews on Amazon aeroponic system?

    Hi, I'm thinking of switching to hydro or aero for next grow. I've done a bit of reading and quite fancy buying an Amazon aeroponics system from Nutriculture. Any reviews?? I've also read that about people saying aeroponics systems regularly break down because the nutrients clog up the...
  11. G

    First Grow - Soil, White Widow

    3 weeks of flowering, some nice tops. Added another 4 plants to flowering section, hopefully get 2 females from them.
  12. G

    Too many males! am i just unlucky??

    my journal Ok, so out of 10 seeds (white widow), 8 germinated, and only 2 are females. My lovely flowering room of 8 plants is looking a little sparse!! Is that just bad luck, or can grow environments, seed...
  13. G

    First Grow - Soil, White Widow

    ...and then there were 2 So, the last plant has also proven to be male. Out of 8 plants, i have 2 females. is that just bad luck?? On a plus side, i've taken 4 cuttings from my two females, and 24hrs later they seem to still be alive, we'll see...
  14. G

    Re-using soil

    Thanks for the advice. I'll be throwing it on the garden, i'm sure my flowers will enjoy it!!
  15. G

    First Grow - Soil, White Widow

    Week 6 ARGHHH MALES! About 10 days ago i had a lovely flowering room with 8 beautifully healthy plants growing. i now only have 2 females and 1 remaining that i'm unsure about yet. My 3 little plants are doing well though. The 2 females were the plants topped at 2nd node and have...
  16. G

    First Grow - Soil, White Widow

    Week 5 Males!!! Very disappointing, my two favorite strong growers (the 2 that i left untopped) have turned out to be male. why they were the fast growers maybe?
  17. G

    First Grow - Soil, White Widow

    Week 4 A busy week. Bought a fan and installed it. We're in the middle of a heatwave here in UK, and my grow room is reaching 38-40oC sometimes, even with extractor on full! Hoping it cools a little, though i am enjoying the sunbathing. I have been topping my 8 plants in different ways as an...
  18. G

    Re-using soil

    So, i've found out which plants are male (thanks for the help guys!) going to chop them tonight. is the soil still useable?? I'm using biobizz allmix, does it run out of nutrients quickly, or can you re-use for a while?? if so, how long would you keep re-using soil before chucking it out and...
  19. G

    Male?? i think so.

    Thx for quick response. :D
  20. G

    Male?? i think so.

    Hi, Growing White Widow, been flowering for a week now. I'm pretty sure this is male. Please advise, before i destroy it. thx in advance