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  1. G

    First Grow - Soil, White Widow

    3 Week Old. Been some strong growth! moved to 11L pots, going to start flowering after 1 more week.
  2. G

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Uncle Ben. great post, has been a good mornings read!! +rep for def! I have limited floor space - approx 1sq ft per plant. I'm now thinking that i shouldn't top my plants because there's not enough room for more colas, just 1 big one every Sq ft. Does that sound right? or could i get away...
  3. G

    What to do next??

    ps. i just noticed from photos that leaf ends are curling a bit. any reasons??
  4. G

    What to do next??

    Hi all. This is my journal. I have 13 plants, 8x white widow, 5x misc. So hopefully between 6-8 females. They are at different stages of growth between 2 1/2 weeks and 1 week old. The photos are of the most...
  5. G

    First Grow - Soil, White Widow

    2 Week old Started 2 week old plants on CANNA Terra Vega. Watering every two days, drainage is good because of high amount of perlite in soil mix. looking healthy!
  6. G

    First Grow - Soil, White Widow

    1 Week Old First 4 plants doing well, planted another 4 a few days behind, and germinating a few more at present. Decided i want to go for a SoG grow, which is reason for so many plants for the space. Opinions welcome! :blsmoke:
  7. G

    Propagator and humidity

    Hi. When should i take seedlings out of a propagator? I took mine out 2 days after the seedlings appeared, but they were falling over because the grow environment with lights and a fan is very very dry. I put them back in propagator, and within a day they recovered. When should i be...
  8. G

    First Grow - Soil, White Widow

    In a word - yes. :) I don't really want the lights to be greater than 8" away from the tops of the plants, so when they get too wide i'm planning on adding a few 20-30w bulbs around the sides that aren't reached by the main light. Probably switch to HPS for flowering, but, i think i might have...
  9. G

    First Grow - Soil, White Widow

    Falling Over So my first 4 seedlings appeared 24hrs after planting the germinated seeds. I think i had the lights too far away to begin with, the 2 first seedlings were over 3" when i came home in the evening. I took them out of propagator and moved close to lights, with a small fan lightly...
  10. G

    First Grow - Soil, White Widow

    Hi all. So this is my first grow. It's been a week since my seeds arrived, and 8/10 are doing OK. I've had a few teething problems, but thanks to browsing these forums i've sorted most of it out. Many thanks!! SETUP Growroom - A section of angled cupboard in Attic space (my bedroom is...