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  1. K

    Free Grow Software!

    I am working too much lately, and dont have enough time each day to get what I want done so everything has been slowed a bit. The short answer is I have a whole setup running, but I am always improving and am in the process of packaging the main portion with a wifi/bluetooth port to fit into a...
  2. K

    Automatic pH Controller

    Hey doer, I have a setup working based on arduino and send logs via wifi/bluetooth to a computer. I have created ph, ppm, relay, temp, humidity, co2, energy widgets that can interface any uC(w/ADC). I am working on finishing some writeups and a tester set of hardware to send off to Lucifer so he...
  3. K

    True HP Aero For 2011

    Its really a matter of picking a maxium outage time then estimating if the battery's amphr rating is enough (no less then 50% discharge on a car battery or 20% on a deep cycle) as long as you dont discharge a battery too much it will last quite well. If you need more capacity add another battery...
  4. K

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    I run a room off a 30 amp 220 dryer run, 10-4 cable(dryer plug one end) to a load center then 4(110) circuits out from there (these are relay controled, 1600 watts on a single relay without any issues)
  5. K

    electric problems. stupid house cant run a 400, a 600, canfan, with an ac HELPPLEASE

    so you have about 1100 watts in lights plus another 100 in a fan, and an ac unit. I will assume the AC unit draws about 9 amps, your lights are about 8-9 amps, and that fan is about 1 amp, that is a total load of around 18-20 amps and unless that is 10awg wire I would try to off load some of the...
  6. K

    True HP Aero For 2011

    RCP, short for Solid State Relay, Mechanical Relay. (Upon reviewing my MR datasheet its actually @28ms)
  7. K

    True HP Aero For 2011

    RCP, You could in theory time down to the micosecond. The average 328 ATmega instruction takes 1 to 2 clocks to complete, at 2 clocks per instruction(@16mhz) we are in the range of 8 instructions per uS. All you would have to do is fit the timer cycle into 8 instructions for 1uS resolution. Of...
  8. K

    True HP Aero For 2011

    TB, I run a LPA setup thats controlled by an arduino and some boards I designed and have fabbed and its very cost effective for what it does. I have it running my lights, pumps/solenoids, fans, ph, ppm, temp(x4)/humidity,etc... I am also in the process of creating an HPA setup that will be...
  9. K

    Can anyone help with ebb and flow controller?

    I make DIY controllers and all you do is set a schedule on you computer (for some of my controllers over bluetooth) and sit back and watch the show, every five minutes(or whatever you want) itll do a status report, ph, ppm, co2, temps, humidity, etc... A controller like hammer posted is based on...
  10. K

    Electrical question

    A Watt is a Watt, you will draw the same amount of juice either way. This kinda breaks down at the limits of a conductor, take a 12awg conductor for instance. As you approach and exceed 20 amps the resistance will increase causing a slight voltage drop which results in drawing more amperage...
  11. K

    True HP Aero For 2011

    Hammer are those diy controllers you make, made with COTS parts? The case is nice and I would like to know more about it. I have a whole myriad of stuff I have designed based on the arduino environment and I am in the process of "packaging" some of them. For example I have a recycle timer(its...
  12. K

    Free Grow Software!

    RCP, sorry my reply is a bit late I have been extremely busy lately. You can basically use any arduino you wish (or any MCU for that matter, but this is beyond the scope here) but you should pick it based on your needs, for little stuff you can get away with an uno. I choose the mega for its...
  13. K

    ph controller?

    I use these ones with some sensors I make for an arduino based controller. the Probe seems solid for the price and remains stable to calibrate. The controller actually controlls...
  14. K

    Free Grow Software!

    There are a few automation projects out there GardenBot, Garduino, and a couple others that escape my mind. They are mostly geared towards soil with only a few inputs/outputs but are very good projects. Reef Angel is a reef tank automation controller that seems to be quite mature at this...
  15. K

    Fan controller wiring,help please

    If this(the pic) is for the fan controller then. the L and N are your power IN, while N and L1 would be power OUT to fan. Some motors are double insulated and therefore dont have grounds(earth), if your fan is this type you dont need to ground it. The ground will have no effect in normal...
  16. K

    Free Grow Software!

    RCP, I will get some pics in the next few days. I've been pretty busy between work and working on this controller. Yeap the doser is a parastaltic pump made out of a servo and some mdf for the shroud/acrylic for the face and only ph down for now. I am going to revise this portion next along with...
  17. K

    Free Grow Software!

    As of right now here is the hardware breakdown. pc for your software and datalogging pc power supply for 5v, -5v, 12v, -12v, common ground(rev2 only needs +5v and +12v, common ground) arduino mega 8 relay boards wired into a power tree using some stuff from homedepot(basically 220 dryer...
  18. K

    Free Grow Software!

    RCP I just about have everything you mention working quite well including ph,ppm,co2,temp and humidity, 120/240v 16amp relays,servo based ph doser "widgets" for arduino but would work on just about any 8bit MCU with an ADC onboard. I also have some datalogging/Manual control software for PCs to...
  19. K

    Free Grow Software!

    Im just about to test my next versions of hardware as soon as I get my boards in and built I can send you a setup, ive been running the first version stuff for about 5 months now with basically no issues.
  20. K

    Free Grow Software!

    Lucifer I've been developing some arduino based controllers with a wide array of sensors: PH, PPM, CO2, Temp, Humidity, Energy Draw, etc.. and a number of control options(fans lights timers) hoping to bring a much more cost effective method for us to automate our gardens. I noticed you added in...