Search results

  1. dallasmommy420

    Reputable website to buy lights?

    I have ordered from they are also on EBay. I have also read from a lot of people that if you have any trouble with their lights they are quick to replace the only thing that I didn't like was that the shipping was a little high. You might check on ebay for them I think they offer...
  2. dallasmommy420

    7 week harvest strain?

    It is going to be a little hard to grow in that size space. THe quickest flower plant I have found is Smurfberry and I got it from Attitude. I don't know much about it as I have just started it. I don't think they do very good on 12/12 my understanding is that that will grow all the way through...
  3. dallasmommy420

    Too many decisions need some good advice

    Thanks you all are the best. I believe I will go with the fluros. Do you think that the T5's will be enough to get me through the whole grow with the autos? The Smurfberry is 8 weeks and the White Russian is 10. I have the 48" with 8 bulbs mixed grow & bloom.
  4. dallasmommy420

    Too many decisions need some good advice

    Ok so this is not my first grow but is has been a little while since I have dealt with babies. I am also changing some of the things that I am doing. I have 10 Smurfberry seeds and 20 White Russian Autoflower . They have all but one cracked and are in a Rapid Rooter with a Humidity Dome. They...
  5. dallasmommy420

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Ok I have a question. I am going to start some Smurfberry. It is a sagarmatra seed and on the package it states a possible 300g yield. The most I have heard of people yeilding is and O to 1.5 per plant. I just wonder if anybody has read up on this or if that is possible. I hope it is. I am...
  6. dallasmommy420

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    That story is too funny. I had some auto ak-47XBlueberry cross and planted 2 outside to see how they do and when I went to get the other beans I cant remember where I hid them. I assume when I find them it will be a good day. Good Luck mine are doing great outdise.
  7. dallasmommy420

    Can someone sex my plants? too early?

    I think I went to the right link. I looks like a lady but still a little too soon. LOOKS Great Good Job.:joint:
  8. dallasmommy420

    Any one with preflower tips?

    Sounds to me like ur PH is a little too high. You might want to lower it a bit and have patience. They will show u their sex soon enough. Females tend to be a little slower to show so maybe its ur lucky plant. Good Lucj
  9. dallasmommy420

    Alaskan Ice Amazing

    Ok a little update. My AI has really gone crazy. The is now showing an amazing amount of hairs but she has not started to tighten up yet. She's funny the more I tie her down the more she reaches for the sun. I will get u a pic of my twisted lady. Have u ever found a pic of a finished AI bud...
  10. dallasmommy420

    First HARVEST 1 plant, 88days, 400 w, 3 ounces

    Could you please elaborate on how you top and keep ur tops level. Or could you point me in the direction of that information. Lovely plants.
  11. dallasmommy420

    Alaskan Ice Amazing

    I have been checking out your progress. I also have some Ai. They are about 6 weeks into flowering and just barely starting to show her bud sites. This has been an interesting plant. I really thought I had stunted her bad. I moved her 3 weeks in veg from dirt to bubbleponics. I know it was...
  12. dallasmommy420

    Bucket grow list

    Sounds good to me. I have that exact same set up and I love it. I have had great success so far.:leaf: Keep going with it.
  13. dallasmommy420

    Getting a hold of Dutch Passion, Green House Seeds from the US?

    Hey Mike, I also live in the US. I used The Attitude to order my seeds. They are discreetly packaged and mine arrived in about 7 days on the East Coast. No troubles and I got what I ordered. Good Luck DM
  14. dallasmommy420

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    Thank you this has been very helpful and saved me a fortune in shipping charges.
  15. dallasmommy420

    Dutchmasters Reverse,a study of hermie's.

    I got it today. I sprayed using the directions and I will let you know what it does on a true hermie.
  16. dallasmommy420

    Dutchmasters Reverse,a study of hermie's.

    Thank you thank you thank you:clap: I have been searching and searching for someone to have results on the Reverse product. I am currently on my first grow of WW in bubbleponis as a newb I have made some mistakes and was in great dismay when I found that I had turned my babies hermie. I have...
  17. dallasmommy420

    DWC for beginners

    OK I am a bubbleponics newb and I have a question. I hope this is the right place to do it. This is a great thread and I have learned a lot. I have 2 WW in 5 gallon buckets. They are on week 2 of 12/12. I bought some neuts (Monkey Juice) but I found out were for coco coir only. WHich was...
  18. dallasmommy420

    reliable seedbanks

    I found Attitude seeds to be fantastic. Go to advanced search and look up attitude seed bank. i have had no problems with them and have had a 100% germ rate.:peace:
  19. dallasmommy420

    NEWBIE please help high soil PH

    Thanks a bunch. I had been putting my sprouted seedlings in the soil and putting them under a dome. But i see what you say they are going to meet the cold (82 degree) today. So when they wake up the will be under 400watt MH llights. Thanks you input has been so helpful. "a friend with weed is...
  20. dallasmommy420

    NEWBIE please help high soil PH

    thank you thank you thank you....that was stressing me out. If your up for another question I have one more. OK i have two ww seedlings with their first two leaves. i am so excited about them. I have read conflicting information do I put a dome over them or not? I did over my two bag seeds but I...