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    Danger!! Do Not Exercise!

    I read a study that running is more addictive than heroin and cigarettes.
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    why so small?

    I cloned five cuttings a month ago. 4 were in the peat cubes, and one in rock wool. The four are a foot tall and are very bushy, the other is still in a solo cup. All five came off the same plant.
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    Electricity Bills

    I calcated my 1000w light to cost roughly $43 a month for flower. I use a six bulb T5 for veg.
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    I'm poor an can't afford ph down any other ways of lowering ph?

    If you're so knowledgable and experienced about growing, why don't you already have the tools needed to do the job? I'm pretty sure that's what everyone here has been saying. From your posts on this thread it seems as if not having the right tools is how you live your life. Have an apt but can...
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    3 weeks into flower and leaves yellowing?

    I picked up a nice ph pen and it was high. I'm hoping to see some improvement in the next few days. Thanks again
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    3 weeks into flower and leaves yellowing?

    I'll be getting a ph pen probably next weekend if all goes well. I've been using the drops as that's what I had and during veg with this grow as well as the two males that I chopped previously had pretty healthy green plants, especially since I'm still very new to this.
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    3 weeks into flower and leaves yellowing?

    I did half strength of both and 2.5ml per gal on the calmag. Ive read that less is more quite a few times and didn't want to burn them. They will need watering tomorrow and i'll go full bloom, a little extra calmag, and the molasses and go from there.
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    3 weeks into flower and leaves yellowing?

    Thanks guys. I really appreciate the help. There are a few local guys I know that grow but they aren't very willing to offer help unless it's very convenient for them.
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    3 weeks into flower and leaves yellowing?

    I haven't been using the hydro charts for ml/gal so they've been getting just under half of what they need. My next grow will be in dirt as that's what my clones were put in once they came out of the dome. Would slowly upping the nutes be more beneficial than just jumping to where they probably...
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    3 weeks into flower and leaves yellowing?

    I'm using purified tap water for now but will have my RO unit installed this week. At first I stayed with the veg nutes until i confirmed them to be female before switching to bloom nutes. Then after seeing the yellowing I went 50/50 assuming that it was a nitrogen issue. The air is coming in...
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    3 weeks into flower and leaves yellowing?

    Thanks. I've been searching around for the last few days and haven't been able to figure it out. Grow is 7-9-5 and bloom is 3-12-6. I've been using the full recommended amount according to the label and was afraid of over feeding. I tried some molasses and they seemed to like it but am unsure of...
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    3 weeks into flower and leaves yellowing?

    Both in coco getting half grow and half bloom dyna grow nutes and calmag. They are in a 4'x4' tent under a 1000w hps. Canopy temps are just below 80*f with the lights on. I use the ph drops so I'm not exact on the ph but it is always roughly 6 when I water. This is my second grow but the first...
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    Neigbor that (Possibly) doesn't know I'm growing, gave me a courtesy warning.

    I had a problem with smell (the misses can't stand the smell of weed) so I moved my tent into my furnace room and vented it into my chimney. She still whines if it's open too long while I'm trimming or watering but it's my house so I don't care. A friend of mine has a large veg room and...
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    Young clone flowering under 18/6

    I picked up two clones at the same time from the same mother and one of them is starting to flower like crazy. Has anyone had this happen before? The mother was still vegging when the cuts were takin. This is the first time I've dealt with clones and this just seems strange. I've also got 5...