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    Properties of Organic Soil

    "Marijuana Grower's Guide" Mel Frank “There are about 15 elements known to be essential to plant life. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are absorbed in the air and water. The remaining 12 elements are absorbed primarily from the soil.” “The elements nitrogen, phosphorus, and...
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    Properties of Organic Soil

    Examples of Organic Fertilizers Nitrogen – Blood Meal, Cotton Seed Meal, Corn Gluten Meal Phosphorus – Bone Meal, Rock Phosphate, Bat Guano Potassium – Kelp Meal, Greensand So in essence what Mel Frank is talking about is conditioning the soil with nutrients and trace...
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    Properties of Organic Soil

    "Marijuana Grower's Guide" Mel Frank “There is no such thing as the perfect soil for Cannabis. Each variety can grow within a range of soil conditions. For healthy, full growth, marijuana prefers a medium with good drainage, high in available nutrients, and near a neutral pH (7.0). These...
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    Subcool's Super Soil

    Thanks, but you most certainly did not post that 10 times. And OFF grows piss poor weed “IMO?” What’s that mean? Are you just trying to be a dick to me?
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    Subcool's Super Soil

    Anyone notice in High Times the article says mix with 8 bags but on here it says 6? The bags are 1.5 cubic feet each which is roughly about 10 gallons. Just wanted to know if it was cool to use 6 instead of 8. Don’t want to make it too hot. Also anyone using Fox Farm? I was going to go...
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    Subcool's Super Soil

    Sorry Sub, I know your probably tired of hearing those questions. But I just wanted to double check and I didn't really see any info on the nutrient properties of the soil. Anyway thanks again though for taking the time to answer all are questions. Very much obliged. Going to school for...
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    Subcool's Super Soil

    Hey, Subcool. Have a couple of questions… 1. I’m kind of confused about the nutrient levels in the soil mix. Worm Casting 1-0-0 Blood Meal 12-0-0 Steamed Bone Meal 3-15-0 Bat Guano 3-10-1 Rock Phosphate 0-3-0 Does that sound about right? 2. Also is this pretty much how the...
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    Planning ventilation.. question about exhaust??

    That should work. Or get one of these for the exhaust... It's a 6" inline fan rated at 424cfm
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    Planning ventilation.. question about exhaust??

    Yeah they do stink but right now I’m good with air freshener. Here are a couple of pics.. mother is in soil, clones are in soilless. Both get Botanicare nutrients. The temp right now is around 30*c and humidity is about 40%.
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    Planning ventilation.. question about exhaust??

    Thanks mate. Yeah it’s pretty hot were I am. Might get a 6” inline fan for exhaust and use the squirrel cage to pump cold air into the box. I just know heat = crappy yields and everyone sets up there ventilation a little different.
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    Planning ventilation.. question about exhaust??

    Building a grow box, 0.7m x 0.7m x 2.0m. I want to put a 400w hps (regular reflector) but don’t want the temp to get above 20*c. I have a squirrel cage fan rated at 265cfm. The question is should the intake be bigger than the exhaust or should the exhaust be bigger than the intake? Thinking...
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    Weird Little Plant

    Yeah I’m just hoping the bugs don’t kill it and I have no idea why it looks like a tiny tree. The small buds are probably from not feeding it any extra nutrients. It looks like it will make some great hash though. Maybe a whole 3 or 4 grams lol. Anyone like to make any predictions on...
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    Weird Little Plant

    lol no it's just been chilling outside in a 3 gallon pot with a regular soil mix, i think it's almost done flowering though, i just don't know what to do with it
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    Weird Little Plant

    I have this plant that got pretty messed up outside. It’s infected with spiders and has dark woody branches. I was going to through it away but it has a bunch of little dank smelly buds on it. So I was thinking about letting it finish flowering and making some bubble hash. It’s been flowering...
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    OMG what is that?

    I decided to say screw it. I’m just going to flower everything I got a see what happens. Clones and mother plants are too much of a pain in the ass especially when you’re dealing with unknown genetics. I’m also dealing with bug problems so I’ve isolated those plants and...
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    OMG what is that?

    I didn’t know if I should start a new thread. Eventually I’m going to make a grow journal. Anyway bag seeds suck ass but you have to work with what you got. Like I said I’m in the 6th week of vegging. I wanted to find a good female to convert into a mother plant but that’s really hard to do with...
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    1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

    Sweet! I’m using the same type of soil. Seems to be working pretty well. Good luck can’t wait to see what they look like when you start flowering.
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    OMG what is that?

    Thats what it was! Thanks bro, much appreciated.
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    OMG what is that?

    I'm using lambert ready to us potting mix. I water about once or twice a week. The humidity stays around 50%
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    My plan for Soil mixture. What do you think?

    I’ve decided next time I’m using Coco with Botanicare, just the grow and bloom. Maybe cal-mag if I’m using R/O water. Anyone using Coco now? How good of a buffer is it?