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  1. bgpimpn07

    What to do with a Hermie?

    so any seeds from the plant will be female??!!!?? and should i try to cut some of the pollen sacks to cut down the amount of seeds in my bud???
  2. bgpimpn07

    What to do with a Hermie?

    Im sure my plant is a hermie but what do i do with it??? should i let it grow??? or should i kill it and start another plant??
  3. bgpimpn07

    How do i grow low (vertically challenged) plants

    deff your best bet i had the same problem with my first time growing LST all day itll also get you a nice yeild
  4. bgpimpn07

    LSD First grow tell me how i'm doin

    what strain are you growing?
  5. bgpimpn07

    What affects the sex of a plant???

    ok n what causes hermies??
  6. bgpimpn07

    What affects the sex of a plant???

    Ive been reading these forums and i confused!!!! Are there factors or things i should do to grow a female plant???
  7. bgpimpn07

    LST a 12/12 from seed???!!!???

    so when i do a 12/12 from seed i should actually give it about 10 days of maybe a 18/6 (or 24/0?) before going to 12/12???????
  8. bgpimpn07

    Newb Grow CFL/150W HPS stealh white widow

    ] i have a plant not touched the CFL and burnt some newgrowth **watch how close ur CFL's are about 2in is good
  9. bgpimpn07

    LST a 12/12 from seed???!!!???

    ok... will this help keep that plant somwhat shorter because in my current grow im having an issue with the plant being to tall
  10. bgpimpn07

    LST a 12/12 from seed???!!!???

    im planning my next grow im just using some bagseed and thought of LSTing my plant but on a 12/12 from seed... can i do that??? or will it be pointless because the plant doesnt have a veg stage????
  11. bgpimpn07

    growing small

    Im having this same issue with a plant i started this shyt is getting too damn big.... from what ive read you can try toping it, LST, or if it still gets too big tie it down
  12. bgpimpn07

    How to grow in a limited space????

  13. bgpimpn07

    Should i cut my fan leaves away????

    nice grow i hope i get a nice plant like that
  14. bgpimpn07

    How to grow in a limited space????

    ok ima have to try that on my next grow... as for this plant i know i cant top it at this point because im flowering already how should i tie it down?? or what should i do to keep the plant from outgrowing the box
  15. bgpimpn07

    How to grow in a limited space????

    ok what about LST??? ive read about it and from what i understand all i have to do is tie the main stalk down and that will help keep the plant small too does any1 know about that??
  16. bgpimpn07

    How to grow in a limited space????

    ok thanks although im a week into flowering can i still top this plant off??? And how soon can i start topping a plant.... for my next grow.
  17. bgpimpn07

    Should i cut my fan leaves away????

    ok so cutting them off is bad thanks every1
  18. bgpimpn07

    How to grow in a limited space????

    Im a new grower and i thought i was doing just fine. But i think my plant is going to outgrow its box!!Its about a week into flowering (still no sex signs). in the future how do i prevent this from happening??? What did i do wrong??? im not worried about the yeild im more concerned about...
  19. bgpimpn07

    Should i cut my fan leaves away????

    Ive read different stuff on whether or not i should cut away fan leaves... IDK what to do!! should i cut them off??
  20. bgpimpn07

    Is my plant ready????

    if i choose to tie it down how do i come about doing it??