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  1. stone1977

    attitude towards newbs

    Thanks for info. I have 15 plants under 1800 Watts and there doing great. Of course in the beginning i had probloms with to much water but got Under control. Don't over water LOL
  2. stone1977

    attitude towards newbs

    If you put the time in to be PhD they why wouldn't I talk to you about it? And I think its call newbie central at least I thought. Maybe it should be dumb ass central idk but keep asking because there no stupid questions.
  3. stone1977

    attitude towards newbs

    The only reason I say this because I asked about topping and like a couple hours later someone asked same thing. Oh wait I got it we are all a bunch of potheads and brain fart from time to time LOL.
  4. stone1977

    attitude towards newbs

    Well don't have a question now LOL. Just saying we all need someone to lean on LOL. And to all newbies just search the forums to see if your question has been asked so you don't look like a dumb ass because some else looked stupid LOL.
  5. stone1977

    attitude towards newbs

    Well iam trying to gain UFO about cfls. Iam trying to push the limits and how many I can grow with these lights. I have a great grower that comes and checks out for me. But I may have questions no matter how you may think they are just answer them. Don't bash because of spelling or anything like...
  6. stone1977

    attitude towards newbs

    Well I guess I joined the wrong site then. I thought this site was for people to get info from great growers. I research the internet but as you know it says different stuff about the same issues. So I was join hoping I could get straight answer because if want to know something I'd like to know...
  7. stone1977

    First Grow Space Help!

    Well I guess there are alot we need to know. What kind of lights? Because attic can get hot if no vents. And under house can get cold and maybe have bugs. So with out knowing what you are going to use lights strain and what temps are up and down. Iam new also but spend alot of time online...
  8. stone1977

    heating pad

    I have 15 plants in 3 in jiffy pots. They are all siting in a stainless hotel pan. My question is I have heating pad under them is this safe for my baby's? Also unknown sex and growing with cfls. They look good but I just don't want problems later.
  9. stone1977

    Orange Hair on my 4th node

    Idk but sounds like its trying to show the sex. But idk the strain so hard to say watch real close.
  10. stone1977


    OK so just topped them. I have 15 plants growing under cfls they are doing good. Iam sure some are male but idk yet.
  11. stone1977


    Should I do before sexing?
  12. stone1977


    Iam and am growing with cfls everyone says I should top but iam scared LOL. Advice would be great.
  13. stone1977

    growing with cfl

    Iam scared but how top?
  14. stone1977

    growing with cfl

    I've seen people online with same amount of lights growing more then three plants. Iam new but iam running over 100 Watts per square ft. And what I read 60 to 70 is ideal. Iam I wrong?
  15. stone1977

    growing with cfl

    What do you mean 100 for first ?
  16. stone1977

    growing with cfl

    I wish I could put because its bright in there. And really only a couple plants.
  17. stone1977

    Identify this plant

    How do you put up pictures? Can you do it with phone?
  18. stone1977

    growing with cfl

    Where can I buy hps for 50 bucks because that's all I have in to it and its like the ones on thanks for comment. Have you use cfls?
  19. stone1977

    growing with cfl

  20. stone1977

    growing with cfl

    Also I have heating pad under them on Med. Should I take it out