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  1. cannibisox

    My 1st Hydro Box Grow- Pics and Questions!

    What kind of medium is in your neti pots? Looks like soil almost.
  2. cannibisox

    4 CFL Grow Aurora Indica/Jock Horror

    Have a few updates!! 6 of the clones rooted nicely and they all happened to be the ones I split down the middle! I used clonex cloning gel. So I would definitely recommend splitting your clones stems in the middle for an aeroponics grow. Sorry for the lines in the pics! I don't like...
  3. cannibisox

    Plant Showing Sex While in Vegetation?

    Thanks!! I'm thinking about 1 more week and I'm going to start flowering, that'll be 7 weeks total from seed. Should I go longer or would this be ok? She has a huge main stem and can easily support big buds! I'll post pics soon!
  4. cannibisox

    Plant Showing Sex While in Vegetation?

    My Papaya plant just turned 6 weeks old and I just noticed today, the little white pistols coming out at the nodes. She's been on an 18 and 6 photoperiod here whole life. I haven't been able to find much info on this topic but is it natural for plants to show their sex during the later stages...
  5. cannibisox

    Aeroponic Auto Widow Grow Journal

    I always thought auto flowers would start to flower on any light schedule, so I would leave it 20 and 4 now and see what happens in the next few weeks and if nothing maybe switch it to 12 and 12.
  6. cannibisox

    Yellowing of Lower Leaves

    That's completely natural as the plant is using more Phosphorus and Potassium it's sucking everything out and putting it into big beautiful flowers for you!! I wouldn't worry at all about those at the bottom, some of the other fan leaves may start to yellow later in flowering as well.
  7. cannibisox

    Can someone explain to me how to top up a reservoir (rez)? I just don't get it...

    I normally top my reservoir off with distilled water, Plants tend to absorb more water than actual nutrients so you're left with a more potent nutrient solution and less water, so you just top off with water. However if your PPM readings are saying something else, then that's what I would go by...
  8. cannibisox

    Trichome Colour

    I think you're ready to harvest! Especially if you want that energetic high! And less of a ripped off your ass on the couch type of thing. :] You could always go another week or 2 but watch them close, if they start getting amber then you have a few days window in order to harvest.
  9. cannibisox

    4 CFL Grow Aurora Indica/Jock Horror

    Ok, my clones are 5 days old, they seem to have bounced back a lot better than they were doing the first few days although it's weird that the branches have turned a redish color! Is this normal? The leaves are still kind of sagging as well. They get 24/7 mist in the aeroponics system, I'm...
  10. cannibisox

    Exhausting a vented hood?

    Thanks Fallinprince and Truth B Known, I have a lot better concept on what I'm going to do now!
  11. cannibisox

    Exhausting a vented hood?

    It is an actual question (legallyflying), do to certain circumstances in my flowering room, If you don't have an educated reply like the real professionals, then don't waste your own time posting. Yes It does have glass, Thanks Boomer! That is a nice setup you have there, I definitely don't...
  12. cannibisox

    Exhausting a vented hood?

    I have a big vented hood I'm using for my 400W hps bulb, the hood has 2 six inch openings on both sides for exhausting. My question is, if I plan on just exhausting (pulling the hot air out of the hood) should I cap the other end of the hood off? The dilema here is that I'm blowing ac air...
  13. cannibisox

    Hows my grow looking? Nirvana Papaya and Joint Doctor Easy Ryder Soil 100-400watt CFL

    Looking really good, I have a single papaya growing indoor in soil as well! Yours looks really good and big!! How often do you water and what nutes are you using if you don't mind me asking?
  14. cannibisox

    Patty the Papaya Tree_From seed in soil_2 CFL Grow

    So many views but no replies!! Come on pro's!!! I need some expert advice :] hahaa Anyways here's the link to the Hydro grow as well:
  15. cannibisox

    4 CFL Grow Aurora Indica/Jock Horror

    Thanks!! Very new to this but I'm satisfied with the results so far!!! I'll keep updating, about to flower soon!! possible with a scrog net to keep a more even canopy because one plant that got fim topped has grown about 8 in taller for some reason so I'm gonna use some LST on it and try to...
  16. cannibisox

    4 CFL Grow Aurora Indica/Jock Horror

    Ok, here's an update!! Week 7, full nutes! Advanced micro, grow, and bloom of course.
  17. cannibisox

    Patty the Papaya Tree_From seed in soil_2 CFL Grow

    Here's an update on my Aurora Indica/Jock Horror/Papaya Hydro Grow :] Also still need feed back on my first post. Thanks
  18. cannibisox

    Patty the Papaya Tree_From seed in soil_2 CFL Grow

    Ok, here's my little girl. She was a feminized seed so I'm pretty sure she's a girl. I started with just one CFL but recently switched to 2 with a splitter. I fimm topped it a little over a week ago but, she's still producing right off the top so I'm not sure it the Fimm was cut properly, but...
  19. cannibisox

    4 CFL Grow Aurora Indica/Jock Horror

    Already have a 400W HPS Hortilux red spec! And a really nice reflector so I can't wait!! Thanks for the advice everyone!
  20. cannibisox

    4 CFL Grow Aurora Indica/Jock Horror

    Can someone please shed some light on this? It would be much appreciated!