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    1st timer needs HELP! - ***PICS***

    not pots, im using 6x6x6 rw cubes in a ebb traym also, my water is 220 ppm when it comes out of the faucet
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    1st timer needs HELP! - ***PICS***

    what should it be at, the ppm?
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    1st timer needs HELP! - ***PICS***

    damn, 700 was at 1/2 strength
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    1st timer needs HELP! - ***PICS***

    anyone..... please???
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    1st timer needs HELP! - ***PICS***

    HUH, im looking at the pics on this thread, no one else sees these?
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    1st timer needs HELP! - ***PICS***

    Hi all, this is my first time trying this and I need some advice, some help and some feedback please. I started 2 days ago, and had placed 12 Diablo OG clones in Rockwool in an ebb/flo tray, and 5 plants in a DWC tub right next to the tray. I am using a 600w suntube, with a dig ballast. The...
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    PM or thrips

    it doesn't look like anything of the two. I see no thrips, which I have had. They hide in the veins if the leaf tops, so i see none of those, and I just had a outbreak of PM. I think it is something else.
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    white powdery mildew problem

    does the water have to be ph'd before adding the milk?
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    What is the best way to...?

    Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone knew how to create male pods on a female plant to be able to retrieve pollen to breed plants? What is the best way to get pollen? Anyone know? I remember a thread somewhere here about it I think, anyone have a link to that if it exists? thanks....:roll:
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    Powdery Mildew -- Whew Knew!!!

    :evil: Ok, So I think i Have powdery mildew. How do you get this. It looks like there was crystals beginning to grow on the leaves, but I didn' t know that was mildew. So there are only some spots here and there. I heard that 80% water and 20% milk will eradicate the mildew, is this true? If...
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    flourescent lights

    Home depot, and LOwes both have a CFL that is 300 watt and 2700k, it also has a 4200 lumen output, and only uses 68 watts.
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    How to insert bare-rooted clones into a medium!!

    Thanks but not what I meant, if you were to produce clones in the EZ Cloner, how would you sell them, in what medium and how?
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    How to insert bare-rooted clones into a medium!!

    Hi all, does anyone know the best way to insert bare rooted clones into a medium to go into a dome. After using the EZ Cloner, I really didnt expect to have them root so fast, so I need to put them in rockwool or something, how do you do that with the bare roots? 5 Days in the ez cloner, there...
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    Help!! About to clone and...

    I am so used to the Rockwools, soaking them first for a while, then draining them then cloning. So, these are good to go huh, cool? thanks
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    Help!! About to clone and...

    Hi all, I am about to clone, and I was trying to find out if I need to soak Rapid Rooters with cloning solution and PH'd water, or are they ready to go, cause when i opened up the package, they were already moist, not like the Rockwools. thanks in advance for everyones help... i need it...:hump:
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    Replacing the Charcoal in your FIlter???

    Hi all, just bought a Can 33 for my grow room, and I was wondering, I see there are screws on the side of the top cap of the filter, so I was wondering, instead of just throwing it away (I can't believe no one recycles these) can I refill it with new charcoal? :weed:
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    Need some advice for my grow room - PICS

    hehe, what's the best way to attach panda film (or something comparable) to PVC.
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    Need some advice for my grow room - PICS

    25 views and Not 1 piece of advice from any experienced growers huh?