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  1. I

    HELP!! I Think I have ROOT ROT!!!

    So here are some pics, the plants look good, but i noticed they stopped growing, like they went into nute block or something, so when I went to check the PH, I see there was all this slime and gunk on the roots, i am using an aeroponic system with drippers and the usual, bubble stone, pump, etc...
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    Will this work - please respond...

    So like he said, so its good to spray the leaves with it then?
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    Will this work - please respond...

    Hi all, i as wondering if you used carbonated water to feed your plants, would that feed the plants co2? Anyone try this?:bigjoint:
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    How to smuggle 2 grams on airplane to USA from Canada?

    Wrap it up in a jar of some exotic peanut butter and mail it to the USA...
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    What the PHUQ is that SMELL!!!

    forgot to mention, that I had the plants in a DWC system for a couple of weeks before, and there was no smell at all, I just looked in the res, and there are like, pond bubbles from the fluid dropping down into the res from the baskets. Could that be it, DAMN IT SMELLS!!!!
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    What the PHUQ is that SMELL!!!

    Ok, so i made my aeroponic system, have the sub pump, air pump, Im running drip lines to all 6 plants, put my nutes in and in 1 day, the damn room smells like a phuqing pond.:spew: Anyone know WTF it could be???
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    can fox farm nutes be used in a hydro set up?

    The only thing is the Grow Big is made for either soil or hydro, so check your bottle, if it is blue label, then it is for Hydro, and it will say at the bottom of the front of the label which one it is. i think the soil is green labeled.:peace: And the other 2, the big bloom and the fert, they...
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    red pistils 4 weeks old

    you dont need to resize them if you put it in an album in your profile and then copy and past it into a reply...
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    red pistils 4 weeks old

    If the tips are yellow, sounds like nute burn a bit...:hump:
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    Any Reviews for the HTG Supply Grow Tent

    Hydro Hut's tents supposedly let off a gas from the heat that would be harmful to your plants and would kill them. I just bought a tent from HTG, the same size you want, and it is just OK. I would buy separately or ask them maybe to...
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    Cloning from cutting to rooting HELP

    Thanks, the hum is 86% now, and I am going to clone my other plant tomorrow, just because I need to cut some shit off cause i had to spray for thrips, and most of the leaves turned rusty, now yellowish. How do you get the dome to stay humid like that, i have to spray?:shock: And do you burp...
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    Cloning from cutting to rooting HELP

    Ok, so here are some pics, I just cloned 5 from a Diablo plant. So the hygrometer reads 81% humidity, that should be ok, yeah? And all I did was cut at a 45 degree angle, cut all the nodes off, i actually used mygirls method of using a razor blade and cut slices into the stem, dipped in clone...
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    Cloning from cutting to rooting HELP

    and i forgot, wha t about a heating pad, needed or not?
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    Cloning from cutting to rooting HELP

    thanks to both of you, the only thing left to ask is then what do you fill your tray with, anything or really just mist only, I only ask to make sure cause a friend doesn't mist, just keeps an inch or so of water, but the ph being 5.5 is that right or???? i dont need the cloning sloution...
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    Cloning from cutting to rooting HELP

    thanks, so I went out and got some rapid rooter plugs, and the weird looking eggshell crate looking tray that fits into the bottom tray. Ok, so someone correct me if Im wrong, bu i am going to cut the branch 3 nodes under just a bit of the 3rd node(45 degrees), I dip it in the clone gel right...
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    Cloning from cutting to rooting HELP

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone can tell me the best way to clone with the following items: Olivia's Cloning Gel Olivia's Cloning Solution Heat Pad Dome etc Just a few questions also, Can You Just clone 1 in a dome, or do you have to have a lot? Is there something you can dip the...
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    100% Clone strikes everytime!

    So that's it, what a tease......:-?
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    Can you use this to dry your nuggs? Pic

    Thanks, I feel like a jerk for asking so many questions, but all my friends who jumped into this without research, all failed someway on their 1st turn, sometimes 2nd, 3rd and 4th turns, so i didn't want that for me.:hump:
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    Can you use this to dry your nuggs? Pic

    It's all good man, I am doing my research, I never try anything without talking about it first or at least looking it up. i am very patient, it took me 4 months of research before I bought or tried anything. :joint:
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    Can you use this to dry your nuggs? Pic

    I tried, and got killed by some kind of pest, and had to spray, could lose 5 out of 6 plants, so I am going to star over....:peace: