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  1. I

    Help identify the pest!!!

    Any bug experts that can identify this bug?
  2. I

    Day 5 of FIRST GROW, roots appear!!!

    Yo livelife, thanks, I did lower already, but that's the way i got the clone, if you look in my journal I'm keeping, you'll see day 1 was the same thing, and all 6 almost died, cause my dumbass leveled the water height to low, and starved all the plants, but, 5 came back, and the one that...
  3. I

    Help identify the pest!!!

    and if you look at the top three pics, you see the bug sliver over to the veins to hide, in the 3rd pic.
  4. I

    Help identify the pest!!!

    I am going today to go buy some neem oil for foliage spray. But, I couldn't find out what these were, not in any book or online. They are smart too, they hide in the white veins of the leaves so you can't see them, but again, there is no damage of any type from them, well at least so far.:-? oh...
  5. I

    Day 5 of FIRST GROW, roots appear!!!

    Only 12"-14" it's not too hot, and that's how it cloned...:-|
  6. I

    Day 5 of FIRST GROW, roots appear!!!

    Thanks, it was tough to bring them back, the top right died, and I replaced it with another larry og. I had the water level wrong and the wrong ventilation. Once i fixed that, it's aaaaahhhhhll goodbongsmilie
  7. I

    Day 5 of FIRST GROW, roots appear!!!

    I made a DWC system and this is day 5 now, I have a journal going in my profile, but here is a pic of the roots. The roots are the bottom middle one, the plant that came back the fastest from almost imminent death, I think I will be cloning this one.
  8. I

    Nutrient Question

    Just started my first grow, 4 mothers in soil, and 6 in DWC, and they FF's seems to be working really well, but I also use Voodoo Juice and Sugar Daddy throughout, so far so good...:hump:
  9. I

    Help identify the pest!!!

    that's it, no one knows what it is? I found a third bug little white-ish bug, I killed it before spidey could get it.
  10. I

    Help identify the pest!!!

    That yucky spider is killing and eating the flys and other pests, The first day i put those plants in my closet he appeared, I love him, it's spidey, and he has a fly in its mouth, look!! But what kind of bug is that little white one at the top of the thread:confused:
  11. I

    Help identify the pest!!!

    Well I haven't bought the Neem Oil yet, I will tomorrow, but the first 3 pics show the bug moving into position. It crawled in the center vein of the leaf to hide, you really can't see it, and there was only 2 bugs from 4 plants in soil, the 6 hydro I have are ok, but i do see some little gnats...
  12. I

    Help identify the pest!!!

    Ok, so I found 2 bugs in my mothers today. I can not identify, even with books, so here are a few pics, and if anyone can help identify the bug and please tell me how to get rid of them, if harmful. There is no damage visible on the plants, stems, branches and hopefully the roots. I was going to...
  13. I

    What is the DIABLO Strain? Anyone?

    Hey all, I started smoking this strain called Diablo, and I loved it. So the club I have been getting it from, they sell clones, and I was hoping they would get some in that was that strain. So after calling them for a few weeks, they finally get a few in of the Diablo. So I rush over and grab...
  14. I

    FINALLY - 1st GroW - We'll see what happens!

    Aaaah, thanks. It is a 250w, I am waiting on a 400w cooltube, but i will drop it tomorrow. Do you just keep raising it to stay around a foot above? Also, It is an old sun systems with no vent holes for exhaust.
  15. I

    FINALLY - 1st GroW - We'll see what happens!

    So here is an update... I trimmed all the crispy dying leaves off of 4 of the plants that needed them. The 2 Bubba's came back right away and needed no assistance. The 3 top (O.G. KUSH) plants came back but took a little bit, the last Bubba took forever it seemed. I cut almost everything off...
  16. I

    How to polenate bud

    do ya have a link to it?
  17. I

    How to polenate bud

    you can cut the pods off, then dry them out, cut them open and take the pollen out and put in the freezer, in a tin can, (coffee, soup) and it will last 1-2 months in there, is what I heard.
  18. I

    why Molasses????????????

    how do you apply it, can you use it in hydroponics, or is there something else to use? How much, when you said flushing, how do you apply it then and after, and when do you apply it?
  19. I

    600 watt cool tube help.

    Hey, you only have 112 Cubic Feet in your tent, so base it on that.
  20. I

    Mildew Smell.... pee eew!!!

    Hey all, i have a aero system set up, but with no sprayers, all water, I guess that's a DWC one, but 2 days into it, the water smells like mildew, like I left the clothes in the washer for a couple of days. Anyone know what it is, is it bad, or just smelly? thanks :blsmoke: