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  1. C

    harvested weed be ok unatended 4 a month?

    i'm going away for 4 weeks just as 1 of my plants is ready for harvest. will it be ok if i chop it down and leave it in a dark room to dry till i get back?
  2. C

    can plants not just feed themselves?

    ok thankyou i think you've all made my mind up. al get some nutes 2moro i'm using mg potting soil. i just thought if it fed off its self it wouldent taste of green or nutes.
  3. C

    can plants not just feed themselves?

    what i mean is, my lowryder 2's are about three week into flowering and i'm sure they have a slight n deficiency, fan leaves are turning yellow and slowly dying 1 by 1. but they actualy look healthy! could i not just let it feed on itself untill ready instead of adding nutes? or will this cause...
  4. C

    does pulling off calyxes harm a female plant?

    the reason i ask is, i thought i had a hermie lowryder 2 cos it had small balls on it as well as flowers and hairs so i pulled off the balls, but now i think that they were just calyxes! will this do my plant or thc production any damage?
  5. C

    hermie (help needed)

    i have two lowryder 2's growing and i thought they were both females as they are both about a week into flowering. ive now just discovered that one also has balls!:wall: what do i do? can u just cut the balls off or do i have 2 kill it? any helps appreciated.
  6. C

    contaminated weed please help

    ha. that sounds like a good idea getting him to smoke it weather he knew or not. my chest and throat are real sore. i feel like such a mug. never again!
  7. C

    contaminated weed please help

    well its been laced with something that seems poisoness but it defo aint amphetamine! i'd love to know what tho.
  8. C

    contaminated weed please help

    ha i like your style! i have two lowryder 2's that have just started flowering as my first grow. ill never buy weed again! does any body know where i could get this shit tested? (without getting done)
  9. C

    contaminated weed please help

    ha! i would mate but i believe he just bought it from someone else, i'll never find out.
  10. C

    contaminated weed please help

    no i live further west than that pal. i only dicovered it had a chemical kind of taste after vaporising it, and my tonge went numb. im just a bit worried about long term damage.
  11. C

    contaminated weed please help

    hi every body. ive just bought some weed which looked really good stuff but when i smoked it, it almost imediantly made me ill. ive been sweating buckets for two nites. it also contained glass which made me feel like crap, but can any one tell me what chemical these sick bitches could have...