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  1. J

    Flush white widows for how long and when????

    Don't know how to water cure - would have to read up on that, too! What is the "Newbie" forum for, if not newbies with questions????? Peace, brother.
  2. J

    Flush white widows for how long and when????

    Jbone77, why do you say, "I don't need to ask anyones advice" because I'm doing DWC? This is MY FIRST EVER GROW, and I have needed advice/research on every aspect so far. I'm just trying to do my homework and not screw up at the end when things have gone so well so far! I DO monitor my PPM's...
  3. J

    Flush white widows for how long and when????

    I am currently DWC growing two very large and bushy White Widows that are in Week 4 of Bloom and looking beautiful! After much research and debate on the subject, I decided NOT TO TRIM away the large fan leaves, and am simply tucking them in. Pics coming! What I am trying to learn about now...
  4. J

    Message from a grateful newbie!!!

    I just wanted to say a big Thanks to all of you who have helped me with my first ever DWC grow of two White Widows. I've gotten so much valuable/helpful info from research on here and RIU members on so many topics/questions. It's great that everyone is so willing to help others. :peace:
  5. J

    Huge white widows - what to do next?!!?

    Thanks for the info, Hydrogreen65. In your reply, you said "enough of it's own to support limb growth"....enough of it's own what? Sorry, I just don't know what you mean. Also, how much and how often can I trim without stressing the plants?
  6. J

    Huge white widows - what to do next?!!?

    I am doing my first ever DWC grow and I have two VERY BUSHY, HUGE white widow plants that are now in Week 4 of bloom and there are tops/colas ALL OVER! But many of them are being blocked by big fan leaves which I bend over and tuck inside. I have done much research regarding trimming stuff...
  7. J

    Need advice re dwc sog/scrog, please!!!

    This is my first DWC grow. I'm in about Week 2 or 3 of flowering with two really bushy white widows that are getting clusters of pistils all over. I was thinking that as the colas form, they are going to get heavier and harder to change the nute solution. So my husband came up with a way to...
  8. J

    First time dwc grow, huge white widows! Please advise!!!

    Thanks for the info!
  9. J

    First time dwc grow, huge white widows! Please advise!!!

    These are pics showing the pistil clusters started to form. But they're so bushy and have so many colas forming that are covered by large fan leaves I keep bending back, not trimming. RIU, someone familiar with white widows, please let me know approximately how many more weeks they have to go...
  10. J

    Dwc newbie - huge white widows!

    Since I posted pics and have confirmed with you all that my plants look great, I was wondering something else..... I have read and been told that you can take clones in flower. My question is does it stress out the plant and will it affect the health of my plants? Can you start clones under...
  11. J

    First time dwc grow, huge white widows! Please advise!!!

    Waterdawg - Man, those are some good looking tall plants!!! That's why I'm concerned about my plants getting way taller! They seem to grow an inch or two everyday. I guess only time will tell!
  12. J

    First time dwc grow, huge white widows! Please advise!!!

    Thanks guys from this newbie for all the thumbs up! :-P They have been in 12/12 for 4 weeks, and I think it's going to be at least 6 more weeks since most people say they flower widows for 10 weeks. I just checked on them and they are at least an inch or two taller than they were last night...
  13. J

    First time dwc grow, huge white widows! Please advise!!!

    First of all, I never said they were "monsters" - just huge considering they have so much longer to go. Anyway, here are the pix:
  14. J

    Where do i find instructions for cloning???

    I'm a little afraid to ask, but I have looked and searched all over here. I can't find a thread that explains the cloning process. Could someone tell me where I can learn about cloning, please?
  15. J

    First time dwc grow, huge white widows! Please advise!!!

    OK, seems I have to post some pix ASAP, and I will! If I take clones now from my biggest, prettiest girl, will it slow down the flowering process and stress out my girl? Trippyhills, they're huge to me, this is my first grow. I lst'd. and topped them alot in veg, and now they have tons of...
  16. J

    First time dwc grow, huge white widows! Please advise!!!

    I am doing my first DWC grow of two White Widows (Week 4 of flowering) I started from seed. I don’t know if I vegged them too long (7 weeks), but they are HUGE, comparing my girls to the pix I have seen on here, anyway (When they were vegging, I topped and lst'd them.) My...
  17. J

    best strains for pain relief/headaches???

    I feel your pain! I, too, have chronic, severe migraines. If you look at the description of the various seeds available, I have found that many are said to be very effective in treating pain. I just placed a new seed order and I got a mainly indica hybrid called "Chemdog." It says it's very...
  18. J

    Can't find grow journal!!

    If there's anyone who wouldn't mind, please tell me how I can find a specific grow journal. It was by "PitViper" over 300 pages, excellent. I got out of it to eat, and now I have searched allover and cannot find it again! Anyone?
  19. J

    Can't find grow journal!!

  20. J

    Dwc newbie - a little advice, please!

    Thanks so much for all the info! You're absolutely right - adjusting the pH so often was raising the ppm's like crazy! I'm in the process of getting a good handle on what to expect as far as pH, ppm's, etc. go. As far as how old my plants are, do you start counting from Day One - seed, or do...