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  1. J

    Seriously nute burned white widows!!!

    I have been flushing them for the last week and a half, but there hasn't been any improvement. What about the fact that the trics never got the big heads on them? I don't know, but the seed company info says 9 - 10 weeks flowering, plus I started counting flowering from start of 12/12- not...
  2. J

    Seriously nute burned white widows!!!

    Hey, guys, I desperately need advise about what to do next. I am currently doing my first ever DWC grow of two White Widows. They were at Week 8 of flowering, but when I started adding Koolbloom, they got nute burn. So I started flushing them with plain ph'd water. Left them alone for a...
  3. J

    Nute burned flowering white widows!! Collapsed trichomes????

    Thanks so much for the info, JohnDee and Bugeye! I'm still trying to figure this thing out. I have read that the leaves don't recover, but what I'm wondering about is.... should I just let this be the start of their final flush at this stage? My partner thinks we should get them back on nutes...
  4. J

    What should i do next??!?? First time grower needs advise re flushing!!

    Naw, Southerner, he just told me to put them on flush until I saw signs of improvement. I have been watching the trichomes, and not very many of them have heads anymore, they just look like little shards of glass. I can't see them well enough with my scopes to tell if they're clear or cloudy...
  5. J

    Nute burned flowering white widows!! Collapsed trichomes????

    JohnDee and Bugeye, thanks for the info. So if I continue to flush, it's possible they will recover?? I know anything's "possible," but ... Does anyone know if trichomes come back and start to develop after this type of situation? I'm just wondering....should I keep flushing, waiting for them...
  6. J

    nearing harvest! need urgent advice!

    LJGR33N, I am having a problem very similar to yours. After starting to add Koolbloom in late flowering, my plants are very nute burned. The leaves are crispy and dry, the buds stopped growing, AND it would appear that all the trichomes are collapsing! What did you end up doing??? How was...
  7. J

    Nute burned flowering white widows!! Collapsed trichomes????

    Thanks, guys, for the info. JohnDee and Bugeye, I just checked them again - The trichomes that were standing sticks on the little bud leaves now appear to have lost the heads and look like the resin is just spread out flat on them. I SWEAR, it's the truth. Just wish I could post pics. I...
  8. J

    What should i do next??!?? First time grower needs advise re flushing!!

    I got my answer from the local hydro guy.
  9. J

    What should i do next??!?? First time grower needs advise re flushing!!

    :wall:First of all, let me start by saying that I have been sitting at the computer reading for hours, and still don't know what to do. Or maybe I know what to do - just need to know how long. I'm a first time grower with two flowering WW's in their 8th week of flowering. They were doing great...
  10. J

    Nute burned flowering white widows!! Collapsed trichomes????

    Hey thanks for the info. I wish I had some pics to post, but all I got is my phone camera right now. I've just been watching as the trics started to form on the little leaves around the top of the bud, then they got tiny little heads on them, then, boom, everything ground to a halt and started...
  11. J

    Nute burned flowering white widows!! Collapsed trichomes????

    I am currently in DWC Week 7 of bloom on two White Widows. They were doing beautifully and had tons of trichomes that looked like little sticks standing up with tiny little heads on them. I read about Liquid Koolbloom and started adding it to the soup a week ago. I know it's really too late...
  12. J

    Need advise re flowering white widows/liquid koolbloom!!!

    Never mind, I found it!
  13. J

    Need advise re flowering white widows/liquid koolbloom!!!

    Back again. Maybe I'm stoned, but I can't figure out how to find a "subsection" in here. What section is it under or how would I find it, friend?
  14. J

    Need advise re flowering white widows/liquid koolbloom!!!

    Thanks for the responses and luck. I guess I missed the boat entirely on not starting the Koolbloom soon enough. I've read that the powder koolbloom is harder on the plants as far as nute burn. I'm wondering if, once I get the plants back on track -or IF, should I just continue to use less of...
  15. J

    Need advise re flowering white widows/liquid koolbloom!!!

    I am currently in Week 7 of flowering two very bushy white widows that have several large colas on top and smaller buds everywhere. Everything was going beautifully until I read about Liquid Koolbloom and decided to add it to my rez solution. According to a Koolbloom feeding chart that I found...
  16. J

    How much longer are we thinking? Check her out :)

    Just a note:-I called Radio Shack and they do not carry the scopes anymore. Just saying that's what I was told about the scopes they used to sell. So I ordered the 420 scope, and it's SUPER HARD to get it to focus!
  17. J

    Flush white widows for how long and when????

    Thanks to those that replied with helpful advice on this highly debated subject!
  18. J

    Flush white widows for how long and when????

    Tallstraw, YOU'RE FUNNY!!! You're the exception - everyone else has been really nice! In the future, if you don't like the question I ask, don't bother posting a reply! I am not a child, and therefore, I do not need to be reprimanded by you or anyone else.
  19. J

    Flush white widows for how long and when????

    Bubbro18 - Thank you for the advice and luck. Thanks for telling tallstraw to calm down. And for the record, I have read until I am blue in the face with all the threads on here going back and forth just like you said, especially on something like trimming fan leaves (I recently came to the...