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  1. le3block

    almost 3 week old first grow

    greenhouse grow:blsmoke: any other noobs with pics? :blsmoke:
  2. le3block

    Sprayed Buds?

    yeah i had this stuff before the ash was hard and the spliffs hardly burnt, so i just put less than the usual amout of weed in a spliff and it worked although afterwards my throat was fucked for a couple of days horrible stuff
  3. le3block

    male or female

    good luck with yours dunno about the strain mate no idea
  4. le3block

    male or female

    no hurry, just a noob grower looking for help
  5. le3block

    male or female

    plant is 2 weeks old possible to tell the sex of the plant? or 2 early
  6. le3block

    noob greenhouse grower

    been growing for 2 weeks possible to tell the sex?
  7. le3block

    greenhouse grow

    hey these plants are just over 2weeks old noob grower just trying out male or female? cheers