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  1. A

    MMPR Pricing and Varieties

    Sorry...not trying to imply that BC is all Drug Lords. But as Kootenygirl mentioned, and as has stats Canada, an awful lot of MJ of the current MMAR is located in BC. By a margin of almost 3:1 compared to any other single province. You are correct when you say that not all patients are over...
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    MMPR Pricing and Varieties

    hehehe..out here in the Calgary area, price of weed fluctuated wildly over the summer (street prices). All BC weed. There were times that prices were less than half the price from only 2 years ago...then skyrocket a week later. So to be honest, I'm not really aware of the current BC price crash...
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    What will you do? come march "poll".

    The old system was a failure. As pointed out, organized crime got involved in an under-regulated system, and screwed it up for everyone. The new system is designed to keep tighter control on the production and distribution. Keeping record of every gram produced and sold is the way to cut out...
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    MMPR Pricing and Varieties

    Biggest problem is the divide in society about mmj. "Reefer Madness" and other archaic propaganda by governments has a stronghold in the minds of our older population. Every new politician under the age of 50 that gets into office does not subscribe to the propaganda. They grew up smoking MJ in...
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    My doc says things aren't going to happen....

    Ya. In the calgary area. Our problem is the lack of understanding from local government as to what the mmpr is about. Their first comment is "we are concerned about crime from these operations." When I ask them if they are concerned about crime when Shoppers Drugs wants to open a new store, they...
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    My doc says things aren't going to happen....

    Baby steps, people. Baby steps! The new MMPR is the evolution of new MJ laws in Canada. Nobody, not lawyers or politicians, really know where this is heading over the next 3-5 years. Will it lead to open legalization? Maybe. Maybe not. Prices will equalize as more producers come online. The...
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    MMPR Pricing and Varieties

    Not being secretive...just nothing to sell to you yet, so nothing to show on their website. You may not be aware of this, but they only got their license within the last few weeks. NOW...if u know anything about growing MJ, then u know it takes more than 3 or 4 weeks. Their options (now that...
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    Canada Medical Cannabis Growers Coop

    Thanks jedi :) Place used to be a farm for raising goats, so not a lot of electrical was needed in the barn. I guess goats aren't afraid of the dark LOL Might as well add some extra bucks to our need for capital :(
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    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    I also have some questions about water quality (well water...not municipal supply). Here are the h2o test results. Unfortunately from 2011, but at least it gives me a place to start looking at what I'll need to do. This will be for 1000+ plant mmj warehouse grow. pH=8.5 Calcium: 4.6mg/l...
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    Canada Medical Cannabis Growers Coop

    Thanks for the replies :) One of my partners is going to take over that aspect of things since its beyond my understanding and time needed to resolve it.
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    Can anyone afford to buy?

    Biggest part of the problem with gettin mmj in any compendium, is that there was too much prohibition at the hands of the US government. Schools and pharm companies could not test mmj for any health benefits or risk being shut off from any, and all, government funding. So synthetic cannabinoids...
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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    yup..then we would have a bunch of people complaining about "I got high eating a steak". I would think that any thc/cbd in the fatty parts of the meat would be so minimal that they would be near undetectable. I would rather eat "high beef" than hormone fed beef :) I would think that the same...
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    MMPR Pricing and Varieties

    Selling the non-flower parts would be great. Even better would be if HC would allow the LPs to process the leafs to make it into oils or hash or butter and sell that to patients. I have already talked to a local place that might be interested in my waste stalks. According to HC, the stalk (once...
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    Canada Medical Cannabis Growers Coop

    NP leaffan...and I hope that ur name doesnt relate to the hockey team :) BOOOOOOO..... Anywhooo...I did learn that the place has 200amp service. So since I'm no electrician, I'm not sure if that will be enough juice for 216 1000W lamps + pumps + fans +dehy units + + +... Gunna need to talk to an...
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    new maximum amounts with new regulations

    I must apologize to you Kootenay...Talked to a nurse friend and he confirmed your methodology of multiple Rxs. Although he did take a few moments of deep thought about it :) And also....who would buy the low-mast Viagra LOL.
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    Canada Medical Cannabis Growers Coop

    Ah...gotcha ;) Good point, Magenta.
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    Can anyone afford to buy?

    @ Doobius1.....I served in funeral service for over a decade...I got sick and tired of people accusing me and the industry of "preying" on the ill and the vulnerable. Fact of the matter is, yes, we turned a profit (made a living) from people dead and dying. We ran a business, just as you claim...
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    Canada Medical Cannabis Growers Coop

    Out here in the bald-ass prairies, few areas are cell-free :) Well, at least when there is a community and major HWY near by. Our plan is to integrate some form of monitoring system that will alert us if there is any type of failure in a garden...temp/H2O/CO2. My concern is if there will be...
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    Canada Medical Cannabis Growers Coop

    Listing states it's good for 50 gallon/minute. Will make filling 50 gallon barrels a breeze :)
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    Canada Medical Cannabis Growers Coop

    Depends how big each garden is :-?. I'm off to look at the building tomorrow afternoon. Garden/barn is 18,000, the rest of the building as another 2200. Plus it has a nice outbuilding that the old farm hand used to live in (will make a nice staff room) only steps away from the main building...