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  1. R

    Maximum yield from under 400w MH?

    How long do you veg for and how many lumens per sqf that you are getting an oz per plant?
  2. R

    How far along is she?

    I really dont even mind the wait at this point because that plant has been so easy to grow from day one. I shouldve cloned it while it was in veg, but I'm gonna do it today. The genetics are just too good to throw away. Anyone have ideas on what a 12 weeker will yield? Hell if I gotta wait 2...
  3. R

    How far along is she?

    Heres better pix
  4. R

    How far along is she?

    So this plant went into 12/12 on Feb 17th so it's been in flower for about 5 weeks. Its from bagseed and it appears to be mostly sativa am I correct on that? She is about 2 feet tall. Can someone tell me ROUGHLY how much longer she has until harvest? The plant doesnt even have any amber...
  5. R

    Hps vs mh for flower...yield difference?

    Ok so Ive done slot of research and found that hps is far superior in flowering over mh. My question is , by how much? Let's say you have a plant that is receiving 10,000 lumens of hps and it produces 4oz of bud. Can someone give an estimate of what the yield would have been had it been grown...
  6. R

    Cloning while flowering

    So I have a nice plant that is one month into flowering. Is it ok to clone this and put it into veg or should I clone it and just keep it in flower...thanks. I am curious as to what the yield would be on a flowering clone. Let's say the mother produced 2oz with 40 days veg....
  7. R

    How many grams per watt do you get?

    Please take my poll...I know there are alot of variables, but I'm just looking to get an average and a high low. Take the poll and please post: 1. Wattage 2. Number of Plants 3. Total Yield at harvest 4. Strain Thanks!
  8. R

    Burned New Shoot With Light Bulb

    Ok so I don't have new pics but I have a plant 1.5 weeks into flower and I burned the top 3/4" of stem including the new growth at the top. Burnt it to a crisp as in 90% burned 10% green....Should I let it grow its way out or should I chop off the affected portion? The CFL's were not actually...
  9. R

    Did these pollen sacks open? Xperts?

    is it 100% male? just wanna be sure before i toss it,
  10. R

    Did these pollen sacks open? Xperts?

    Well none of the other plants have shown definitive sex yet, so even if those sacks did open, can the pollen still sit on the plants and when pistils appear get pollenated anyway
  11. R

    Did these pollen sacks open? Xperts?

    Uh ohhhhh I think this is a male!! It's been flowering with the rest of my crop! Is it a male? Did it open up and pollenate yet? If not how much longer because I just dropped the plant on the floor....
  12. R

    Sex my Plants ...PLEASE!!

    I cannot tell if these are just the formation of new leaves, or preflowers. The pics are of the same plant. It's been in flowereing for one week or so...If it turns out to be a male, does that mean it has already pollenated my crop? How long after the initial appearance do I have before they...
  13. R

    Sexing question

    It's been 2 weeks since flower began and still nosure sign of any flower. If you cantsee them with the naked eye does that mean they are too small to pollenate?
  14. R

    Sexing question

    How long do you have to destroy a male after it shows sex before it ruins your crop? Thanks. I'll post pics of the suspects later
  15. R

    Disadvantage of 12/12 from seed?

    Ok so I have a question. I have a strain that produces about 2.5oz if it is vegged for 4 weeks indoors. Its a hybrid. Assuming the same lighting and conditions, what do you think my yield would be reduced by if I started 12/12 from seed? What about at 1 2 or 3 weeks veg? I just haven't been...
  16. R

    WTF? My plant is effed...Help?

    It takes abouyt a week. I use a very different soil mix which holds and keeps water well. They we're watered four days ago.
  17. R

    WTF? My plant is effed...Help?

    I appreeciate the response however the 24 hr light cycle was over five days ago now.
  18. R

    WTF? My plant is effed...Help?

    I keep my plants in a box when the lights are on with 2 fans. The temps in the box never exceed 80. When they goto sleep I put them in a different box in a closet where temps go down to about 66.
  19. R

    WTF? My plant is effed...Help?

    the soil is moist. Quite moist actually. I weigh my pots and that plant still has 50 percent of the water from it's last feeding.
  20. R

    WTF? My plant is effed...Help?

    I have heard from many people on this site and others that a 24 - 48 hr dark period before flowering is helpful as far as cutting down flowering time and early sexing