Search results

  1. R

    Longest flower ever?

    Btt opinions needed. Today is 78 days of flower. 10% red hairs. 30% clear trichs, 70% cloudy
  2. R

    Are you familiar with nirvana seeds?

    I'm placing an order with nirvana but I need help picking a strain. I don't smoke, so the effect is unimportant. I am vegging for one week only and my tub has very little space between pots so I need a plant that grows up and not out o the sides. So in order of importance: shape (height...
  3. R

    Sell me on Hydroponics!

    I am just finishing up my first soil grow. I have 15 plants in all stages of growth in a 3x2 closet. The closet is 6ftx3ft so I am only using the back of it. I have decided I wan to go with an ebb&flo. I will only be begging for one week as I want to keep them short and quick. I'd rather have...
  4. R

    Filters? Carbon vs charcoal

    I'm debating on whether to go with a carbon filter or charcoal. I'm wondering if one system works better than the other. The cheapest carbon setup I found is around $130 with fan and filter. On the other hand a charcoalsystem is way cheaper so I'm wondering if thatta because it's less efficient.
  5. R

    Gravity fed systems?

    But if it has some sort of valve then it's not a true gravity sys. I shouldve better explained the system I'm wondering about uses no pumps or electricity of any kind
  6. R

    Longest flower ever?

    BTT. Update: lower small branch buds are showing 15% red hairs. Main cola hairs are 5% red. All trichs are half cloudy half clear. Been flowering now for almost 11 weeks. Any estimates? I want to harvest when the trichs are at least all cloudy with 10-25% amber. It's in soil under 350w hps, cfl...
  7. R

    Nutrients-really odd issue...?

    So I've got two different strains going. They are in week 4 flower. All plants received a full strength fox farm tiger bloom the sativa dom received a slight burn, but the indica doms are showing a progressive N deficiency that is working very quickly up te plant. They only have five sets of...
  8. R

    Gravity fed systems?

    I know very little about hydro systems. I know the plants need dry and wet times. I wasvlooking at a gravity fed system, but could not figure out how that system allows for a dry period if therebis no pump?
  9. R

    Longest flower ever?

    **update** checked trichomes today with 60x and they are half clear half cloudy. Now beginning weekten. 5% red hairs
  10. R

    Longest flower ever?

    How much longer do u think? Will take pics tomorrow
  11. R

    Longest flower ever?

    Ok so this plant has been flowering now for 9 weeks and 5 days so almost a full ten weeks. It appears to be about 75% sativa. Bagseed. My concern is that ALL of the pistils are still white! I posted pics at week 4, and the responses I got were that it is a 12 week plant, but considering all...
  12. R

    Whose got the quickest shipping you know of?

    I am wondering for entertainment purposes only-which seed bank(s) get your order to the USA the quickest? I would imagine Canada would be the quickest due to proximity but I don't know. Thanks!
  13. R

    Light during night? Opinions needed...

    So I'm in week 8 flower of a 12 weeker. Last night I left a 13w bulb on byz accident for the whole dark period. What should I do? Business as usual or give them a rest?
  14. R

    How much light do you use POLL

    Btt. One vote?
  15. R

    How much light do you use POLL

    Just want to see how many lumens per sqf you all are running during flower. Can't seem to get a clear answer on how much is sufficicient for good growth. I know the sun emits 10k...
  16. R

    Cloning while flowering

    So I have a plant in week 6 flower. The plant takes 11 weeks total flower. I want to cloneit bc I don't have any seeds. Is it possible to clone it and tuen it back to veg? If anone can give some instructions I'd b very grateful thanks!
  17. R


    No. A typical plant grows 2 to 3 as big once you switch to flower. So if you veg until it's 1 foot tall it will be 2 to 3 feet tall by the time it's done. So if you only want it to be 18" then you should switch the light when the plant is 6 to 9".
  18. R


    Yo yo there are tons of grow guides thatcover everything u need to know. You can also use the search bc 99 times out of 100 someone has already answered your question. As far as lighting , you can switch it to 12/12 on day one or day 200 it depends on what kind of yield you want and how big...
  19. R

    How many lumens should you have ?

    I've heard alot of conflicing things about light reqs. I want to know from all of you: what is the least amount of lumens per foot, least, and what would a typical decent setup have for instance. Right now I'm under the impression that 3k per sqf is least. 5k is avg or "okay" setup and 7500 or...
  20. R

    My plants don't smell. Why?

    So I have about 6 or 7 babies in week 6 flowering and no odour! Is this normal? They are bag seed hybrids it looks like and they range in size from 4" to 24". Btw I was told they are 12 week flowerers