Search results

  1. Hoobostanky

    Name Your Favorite Bugs!

    What are your favorite bugs you notice with your outdoor grows? I want to share mine, I have several helpers doing me a lot of favors, keeping my ladies in good shape. I have a plethora of lizards, chameleons and birds. I have about 5 praying mantises who respect each other and are quite...
  2. Hoobostanky

    Sweet purple (lower Michigan)

    Great integration into the local flora. They are hiding well, I hope they are on private property and not anywhere they could be stumbled upon. I would spread dried blood around incase rabbits or deer are nearby, I've lost many a lady to bud-hungry deer who love sticky buds. Nice grow, keep up...
  3. Hoobostanky

    Name the lizard

    I have tons of them, ya gotta love 'em they eat all kinds of nasty critters, definate benefit. I also have some other guardians of the kind: praying mantises, ladybugs and a yellow hornet species who attacks and kills any large insects that come near the ladies to cause them harm. The more you...
  4. Hoobostanky

    Waskly Wabbit

    Try some dried blood around the base of the plants, might help, unless the rabbits are starving for food. Damn vermin will eat anything, they can clear a garden in a night if there are enough of them. Let them eat lead, if possible. You can also position blow gun darts in a circle at an angle...
  5. Hoobostanky

    I found something and have a question!

    looks like a male to me! I'd cut that sucker down if it is in the vacinity of your ladies. Pollen can travel miles on the wind.
  6. Hoobostanky

    Cornfield plants,,,, piccss

    Yes sweet corn matures faster than feed corn and is harvested earlier for sale at the farmer's market or grocery store. Feed corn is left to try. When you see brown plants (corn) they harvest and store in silos for feed corn, hence corn-fed beef, etc. You might lose it before you can...
  7. Hoobostanky

    how long until buds can be stored long term?

    I dried my bud for about two weeks on screens and cardboard and then stuffed them into mason jars. they have kept for three years now (yes, I had a good yield) and keep me in the groove. I keep them boxed in the dark in a closet, pretty dry now but get the job done
  8. Hoobostanky

    5 weeks in

    Looks like you have a way to go...til 3/4 of hairs go red and look at the colas under a hand microscope and check the color of the resin...clear? cloudy? amber?...go for the cloudy or amber.
  9. Hoobostanky

    250w CFL question

    Gawd I love math guys....
  10. Hoobostanky

    Lighting questions for indoor Hydro

    bongsmilie Hey guys... I have a few questions maybe someone can help with. I am moving indoors and setting up a hydro garden. I was going to go with CFLs because of the heat factor and I want to keep it small. I'm using two hydro-6 units and planned on putting two full spectrum CFLs per...
  11. Hoobostanky

    My first Grow in a Closet Using CFL's

    Where did you find the dual sockets for your cfl's?