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  1. D


    Can anyone tell me a good local place to get mylar or a good reflective material that doesn't add heat (Not white paint, don't feel like painting 2 growboxes).
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    Distilled water?

    Is distilled water an option for watering plants or does it have none of the needed nutrients due to it being distilled?
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    Question about smell

    Mocking, any chance you'd have a link for that carbon filter from Lowe's? I couldn't find it.
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    First time grower

    Stand inside the closet and tape a ripped black trashbag above the door frame to make kind of a hanging curtain. More expensive option would be to get a more sturdy like car cover or something and velcro it along the inside frame. Just my 2 cents.
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    The smart way to order online

    I know with Dr. Chronic, they stealth ship (Meaning it isn't obviously seeds) and as far as I know, drug dogs can't detect seeds! Lol. Also, they don't keep your information on file. After the stuff is payed for and shipped, your info is destroyed. I'm buying some next week and I'm just...
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    Question about smell

    I just purchased 2 cabinets for growing (1 for mother and the other for flowering), my question is will I need a carbon filter for the mother chamber. That is, do the plants put off an odor when in the vegetative cycle?
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    Fox Farm Alternative

    Can anyone suggest an alternative to Fox Farm soil to someone on a budget? I'd hate to use Miracle Grow!
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    Feminized seeds?

    What do you guys think of these? Looks like a decent price/strain. Looking to do a small scale ScroG grow. Seedsman white widow feminised
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    Feminized seeds?

    Yea, honestly one fem seed would be great for me. I don't need to grow seeds to keep growing. That's why I'm building a mother chamber. Clones are the way to go. Thanks for the input guys
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    Feminized seeds?

    Are feminized seeds the way to go? It seems like it eliminates the hassle of growing a male. Is it 100% female or just like 90% chance? Also, how long can you store seeds and them still be fresh? I don't foresee needing 10 females at once.
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    Places to purchase seeds

    I'm looking for a place to purchase seeds and have them delivered safely to the U.S., I've heard of Dr. Chronic but are there any other sites that someone could suggest that's had personal satisfactory experience with. I'd just like to be able to price compare and see if there are any other...
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    Starting a new grow set up, few questions

    Bump. Cmon guys, a little help and I'll return the favor with pictures when I get it started. I know you all lust for beginner pictures.
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    Starting a new grow set up, few questions

    Nope. They either smoke mid or high quality stuff that doesn't have seeds.
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    Starting a new grow set up, few questions

    All right, I've grown a single plant before and it turned out quite nicely, until I flowered and found it to be a male. :cry: So, I'd like to try something new. I'd like to try a ScrOG in a 2 compartment Wardrobe, 4sqft, 7ft tall; Top for clones-> flowering, bottom for mother. My questions...
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    Leaves dying (w/ pics) Need help

    This plant has yellowing and dying bottom leaves. It has already lost several leaves to this. Also, around the top, the edges of the leaves seem a bit yellow. Check out the pictures and give me some advice? :blsmoke:
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    Hi i need help

    Are you kidding? I mean you must be right? Because number of posts = how much I view the site? Check the join date if that's possible. Because I read more than I post doesn't mean anything. kthx
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    Hi i need help

    There are a few large scale growers on this site. Also, in the security portion of the GrowFAQ, it says you should use a proxy. Like I said, no such thing as being too safe.
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    When to start topping

    Yep, I just looked. Check in the GrowFAQ under "Grow mediums and methods." Just at first glance the LST 101 page looked good.
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    When to start topping

    I'm sure the GrowFAQ has a section on LST. The only advice I can offer is to make sure you don't over bend it and break the stem. And also to use something that isn't going to cut into the stem. Use maybe like a shoelace? That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure your local garden center...
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    Hi i need help

    Dunno if that question was directed to me, but the bulb I saw was at Home Depot. And as for my signature On3Tim3Only, you can never cover your ass too much. I also use a proxy to access this site.