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  1. T

    to many fan leaves to tuvk away. what do i do?

    Thanks guys & gals
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    to many fan leaves to tuvk away. what do i do?

    Sorry I forgot to mention I am already lsting her and have quite a few branches tie down. Problem is you know the pistol things that end up growing into new branches and the fan leaves grow with them? Well there are so many of them growing everywhere that no matter how much I lst the fan leaves...
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    leaf problem

    I agree a photo is necessary to help. Are they the only leaves or do you have more?
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    to many fan leaves to tuvk away. what do i do?

    I topped my plant using the uncle Ben method and it has gotten quite bushy to say the least. So bushy in fact that fan leaves are everywhere and its nearly impossible to open it up so the lower leaves get light. While the top of the plant is getting good growth, the bottom and middle has...
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    did I just f*** up my plant? I snapped a branch some

    Thanks guys. I was really worried I just wasted a month and a half
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    did I just f*** up my plant? I snapped a branch some

    first time grow here and im trying to lst. I was tying a branch down and pulled a little to hard I guess. The plant gave no signs of breaking but out of nowhere one of the main branches on it just ripped halfway off the stem. Half of it remained connected and I tied a string around it to hold it...
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    Heat Problems

    I had heat problems even after installing my AC in the room so i ended up putting my tent in a corner,buying a fairly large tarp and hanging it from the ceiling around my tent. It really helps with keeping the area around the tent cool
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    Toke2Choke's first ever DWC grow & Journal

    Some good news and some bad news. Good news is that the Brainstorm has made some vast improvements over the last week and I couldnt be happier. Bad news is I didnt raise my light enough and think I may have burned the leaves some. That or I have an unknown problem. I am going to let the...
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    I think i have root rot

    Thanks for the link!
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    I think i have root rot

    Do the roots normally look like this with GH flora though? I had alot of problems my first month of the grow and almost lost my grow twice. I cant help but be a little paranoid at this point lol. More pictures of the roots Better picture of the spots im finding A pic of the entire plant
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    I think i have root rot

    The plants are about a month and a half old from germination. I originally had heat and Ph problems which severely stunted the growth. In resolved them about 2 weeks ago and they have been growing beautifully since. They seem to respond really well to the Lucas veg formula so far so I don't know...
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    I think i have root rot

    I will have to take better pics tonight since my plants are in the dark atm. I am using GH Flora series and doing the Lucas formula. The roots were a beautiful white when they grew in but are slowly turning color.
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    I think i have root rot

    I am growing in a 5 gallon dwc and everything has been going beautifully. The other day I noticed that a tiny portion of my root was a little darker while the rest was like a snowy white if that makes sense. Well today I wake up to find all the roots have a slightly yellowish tint to them but...
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    Toke2Choke's first ever DWC grow & Journal

    I had a nice detailed post typed up and my computer spazzed and deleted it. Being lazy atm I am just going to give a quick overview of it. - Been a week since I fixed the temperature and PH problems. The plants have grown better in this last week then they have all month. - The Brainstorm has...
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    my roots are finally growing out of the basket, some questions if you dont mind

    I am growing 2 plants in individual 5 gallon dwc buckets. The roots are finally greowing out of the bottom of the basket lid and I am not finding a clear answer on some questions. I am cleaning the buckets and giving fresh nutes in a couple days and just trying to make sure im doing everything...
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    Toke2Choke's first ever DWC grow & Journal

    The roots popped through the bottom of the basket on the AMS plant today. They have a nice white color to them and the plant is looking extra healthy. I snipped some of the fan leaves so more of the plant can get light.
  17. T

    Are these preflowers?

    Is this where the buds will grow from? My plan is to grow them about 3 - 4' so I was thinking of vegging them for 2 months and wasnt sure if that would be to long. Thanks for clearing it up Thanks.
  18. T

    Are these preflowers?

    plant is about a month since germinating. I have a bunch of these leaf sets that have popped up from pistils. Is this telling me the plant is ready for flowering? Im only 2 weeks in from the official start of vegging and the plant is only about 5" high (topped it using Uncle Bens method and have...
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    Toke2Choke's first ever DWC grow & Journal

    Hey Hey happy growers I came across an old USB keyboard and I can now type from my laptop again lol. I should be able to regularly update my journal from now on. Alot has happened since my last update. The summer heat has spiked up considerably the last weak and my poor babies didnt like it to...
  20. T

    is this a penis? lol

    I can only speak from experience but I had a male plant start like that Edit: Looking at it more I'm pretty sure the males balls were a little smaller and there were multiple of them