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  1. T

    pics of mold on buds while drying?

    Just wondering if anyone has a link to what mold looks like on buds that are drying after harvest. Mine have been hanging for the last 36 hours and I checked on them this morning. They are all noticably more coated with whiteness, but its not a fuzzy whiteness like ive read mold would be. There...
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    Check PH level when giving 48 hours darkness before harvest?

    Thanks for all the answers guys. I love this site everyone is always so helpful instead of being quick to be douches like other sites. Out of curiosity Ganja what strain is that in your avatar pic?
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    Check PH level when giving 48 hours darkness before harvest?

    sorry forgot to mention im using a 5 gallon bucket dwc
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    Check PH level when giving 48 hours darkness before harvest?

    I keep reading you can enhance the quality of your plant by giving it 48-72 hours uninterupted darkness before harvest. Just wondering if you still check the PH level during this time since your supposed to uninterupt the dark
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    Broke my PH meter, how can I check my ph while the replacement is in the mail?

    Will the drop kit work since the nutrients change the color of the water as it is?
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    Broke my PH meter, how can I check my ph while the replacement is in the mail?

    yeah but they are the only shop in 2 hour radius and charge 3 times the prices you would pay online. They are kinda a last resort thing if I can help it.
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    My plant has Trichs in all 3 stages, when should I harvest?

    sorry this is my first ever grow and im not sure what you mean by time line of harvesting week. Im almost 7 weeks into flowering if thats what you mean. Some of the clear trichs have a milky color in them so im taking it they will be milky soon but most are just clear. The buds as just now...
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    My plant has Trichs in all 3 stages, when should I harvest?

    id say about 50% of the plant is clear, 30% is milky, and 20% is amber. I have read that after they turn amber they start to lose potency and while they are clear they dont really have the best THC. Im not sure when I should harvest.
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    Broke my PH meter, how can I check my ph while the replacement is in the mail?

    I accidently knocked it off a shelf and now the readings are all over the place. I have a replacement on the way which should be here by thurs but im screwed in the mean time. Any suggestions on a temp solution? Im about 3 weeks from harvest and it would suck to mess up at this point. im pretty...
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    Greenhouse Seed AMS, How does she look so far? (very first plant ever)

    Thanks for all the feedback guys it makes me feel a little better about all the setbacks lol. As for the nuteburn it was kinda my stupidity for not digging a little deeper in research. When I found out about the lucas formula I never once seen it mentioned that you shouldnt switch to advanced...
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    Greenhouse Seed AMS, How does she look so far? (very first plant ever)

    This is the first plant I have grown so im not really sure how she should look at this point so any advice is appreciated. I am growing in a 5 gallon dwc and have had some set backs. Im pretty sure I have worked out the kinks and wont be having any more trouble for the remainder of the grow. I...
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    Toke2Choke's first ever DWC grow & Journal

    so long story short I am down to 1 plant (ams) which I almost lost as well but was able to save. It is growing quite well but got pretty bad nuteburn when I switched to 12/12 and advanced lucas formula. I ended up giving it a 4 day flush which seemed to stop the nuteburn effects. I am now slowly...
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    best brand nutes for lucas formula?

    I am doing a 5 gallon dwc grow using gh Flora nutes with the Lucas formula. I have read there are better brands than gh and since i gotta pick up more bloom I'm wondering what the best brands are.
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    leafs went from curling up to curling down during flush?

    Water temps are at 74 with the lights on. Is this to high?
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    leafs went from curling up to curling down during flush?

    Ill check the water temps in the morning but the Ph has always been maintained at 5.8 every now and then it will raise to 6.2-6.3 but I@ always put it back to 5.8. BTW thanks for the help
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    leafs went from curling up to curling down during flush?

    here are some pics. Sorry about the quality. My daughter dropped my phone and it doesnt really take the clearest pics anymore. Im also using Lowes buckets which I have read are light proof from the get go. 1 1/2 weeks ago Last night
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    leafs went from curling up to curling down during flush?

    Don't know what's going on with my plant. A week and a half ago the plant was beautiful healthy and bushy. Now the lower outside of it looks like death walked by all the leaves have dark brownish tan spots and some parts of the leaves have dried up and crumpled off. the lower inside looks...
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    conflicting answers regarding switching over to 12/12

    Thanks for the response but I already knew all that. I'm tryingbto find out of giving 36 hours of darkness when switching to 12/12 really does reduce therisk of hermies.
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    conflicting answers regarding switching over to 12/12

    I have read over and over about feminized seeds having a high chance of becoming hermies and I want to do as much as possible to avoid that. On 1 hand im reading that if I give the plant 36 hours of complete darkness when switching over to 12/12 it really helps reducing the risk of hermies. On...