Search results

  1. TrainingPineapples

    ACMPR - wait times

    Yes ... A doctor who has taken me from being in an electric wheelchair, unable to control my legs let alone stand, to now being able to ride a bicycle So this means what my doctor told me is not to be trusted? Let alone all I did was relay what I was told in the many discussions my doc and I...
  2. TrainingPineapples

    ACMPR - wait times

    More personal attacks ... just goes to show that you have no evidence to the contrary And how did starting a clinic get into this ... methinks you're grasping at straws Perhaps a better approach is needed here so that others will play with you ... Don't worry, with a little anger management...
  3. TrainingPineapples

    ACMPR - wait times

    So attacking me on a personal level does nothing to prop up your claim And no, I was not in the ACMPR system previously so no it did not go through faster ... the MMAR is a separate system by the way As an aside, taking a pot shot at my doctor is uncalled for and just shows that you'd rather...
  4. TrainingPineapples

    ACMPR - wait times

    Believe what you like but I'll take my doctors word over some random on the internet
  5. TrainingPineapples

    ACMPR - wait times

    If your doctor works through a clinic that charges then they've been blacklisted ... do you really think HC doesn't know that they work from a clinic? In Canada a doctor is paid $36 from HC for each patient for 15 minutes, however when working through a clinic the clinic is the one who is paid...
  6. TrainingPineapples

    ACMPR - wait times

    No, not an amendment ... I had to switch from the MMAR (oddly my pink is still valid) to the ACMPR which is a new application Same exact process you would have done which is why it is odd it took yours so long to come back and the only explanation for that would be the blacklist doctors deal
  7. TrainingPineapples

    ACMPR - wait times

    That's odd ... sent mine in March 6th and got it back May 8th Question - did you happen to get your prescription through a clinic or a doctor you paid? .... I didn't pay for mine (been licensed since 2009) but had to switch to the ACMPR due to my garden location being sold ... I have been told...
  8. TrainingPineapples

    Will it Kratky?

    Amazing ... learn something new every day (well I learned me something but had to see it to believe it) The Kratky clone is catching up and doing amazing ... I'm thinking that I'll veg it out as is and then throw it into a DWC with an airstone and see what happens on my next flowering start ...
  9. TrainingPineapples

    Will it Kratky?

    So I got all scientific and decided to do a comparison of 2 California Hash Plant (Dinafem) clones .... one in soiless soil (ProMix BL) and the other using a Kratky with organic nutrients (bat guano, worm castings, aloe vera plant guts, popcorn tea etc....) and thought I'd share Two plants in...
  10. TrainingPineapples

    Market it going down fast

    Ruderalis and some industrial hemp does contain CBD, however there are other compounds in the ruderalis and industrial hemp that will give you a headache if smoked Not sure about ingestion but you would still need to decarb it in order for your body to absorb it propery when eaten As GB said...
  11. TrainingPineapples

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Started the ladies a week and a half ago ... did SOG for ages abut found that doing a SCROG is less work in the end 6 strains .... California Hash Plant (DinaFem), Cinderella 99 (Brothers Grimm - PineApple pheno), PineApple Hash Plant (mine - Training Pineapples + California Hash Plant)...
  12. TrainingPineapples

    Cannabis Candor

    I'm currently working on procedurally growing plants over time using a fractal (plant growth is totally fractal) ... once I crack that I'll easily be able to adjust the growth rate based off of external variables such as light wavelength and intensity, npk ratios, humidity, enviromental temps...
  13. TrainingPineapples

    Cannabis Candor

    Just throwing this out there .... have you ever considered creating a cannabis growing simulation? I've been involved heavily in the Kerbal Space Program modding scene for the past few years and I have now decided to embark on a journey to create a cannabis growing simulation using real world...
  14. TrainingPineapples

    BC now accepting pot shop applications

    I see LP's buying product from micro licensed growers (craft growery) and then selling that product at a higher price than their own and justify it by saying "well it's a craft product produced in small quantities which makes the cost of production go up" or something to that effect TL;DR LP's...
  15. TrainingPineapples

    Doctors want medical pot phased out after legalization: Canadian Medical Association

    Nice job ... my last run worked out to arount $0.64 per gram all said and done $50 dollar ounces might come but I doubt it will be from any LP let alone it's still cheaper to grow your own
  16. TrainingPineapples

    Canada’s New Cannabis Driving Law Allows Cops to Conduct Roadside Tests Whenever They Want

    6 words to remember .... Convince a judge .... get a warrant
  17. TrainingPineapples

    Ontario government will turn to private retailers to sell marijuana

    Definitely a good addition to any growers library ... been hunting a good link for that one but yet to find a seed set that is worth keeping
  18. TrainingPineapples

    ACMPR - wait times

    8 weeks here this year ... had to switch to ACMPR in order to move my garden Was pleasantly surprised it only took 8 weeks
  19. TrainingPineapples

    ACMPR searches.

    And now you're twisting what I said to fit your narrative, well done :clap: The mental gynastics required to twist my words into saying my friend doesn't know anything is mind boggling ... nice redirection of the subject matter :clap: You do understand the concept of context, yes? .... the...
  20. TrainingPineapples

    ACMPR searches.

    Then you know exactly what I mentioned above which means you were intentionally being disingenuous about the facts :clap: