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  1. amrock

    i believe someone answered your question already, but anyway you should give ti a try, like...

    i believe someone answered your question already, but anyway you should give ti a try, like someone said, it might take a while to re veg those clones, just be patient. after doing this you will see at the very top of the plants some new leaves. that will let you know that the plant is starting...
  2. amrock

    Aluminum foil?

    am trying foil lining in cardbord box, it has one 3ft T5 florescent light fixture with two bulbs, i also made some little air holes in the top of the box and cut a small square hole for exhaust, there is a 3inch fan for air and so far my little babies are loving it, i am using the shiny side of...
  3. amrock

    helppppp pleaseee!!

    you dont need any adapter, just plug in and it will power on, 120v is more than enough.
  4. amrock

    Help Please!!! What is wrong with my 1 month old clone?

    the first pic is the clone mother then the next is two weeks after cutting then five weeks after the next
  5. amrock

    Help Please!!! What is wrong with my 1 month old clone?

    check out the clones i have grew under those lights i told you about.
  6. amrock

    Help Please!!! What is wrong with my 1 month old clone?

    Ok here's the thing, first do you have them growing outside and if so, its not the way to grow a clone during budding season, your going to have to keep them inside under some cool temp. bulbs, florescents are the best lighting that you can use, T8 fluorescent bulbs works real good for growing...
  7. amrock

    Easy light set up, HELP!

    In my opinion, you should invest in some florescent lights preferably ones that you can plug into the outlet, also the bulbs should be T8 or T12. there are plenty of different lengths to choose from just visit your nearby home depot, those lights are good for growing and the right amount of...
  8. amrock

    Any Socal'rs wanna help me a cloner

    why do you need a cloner. i am not a pro but i have had good results with what i do, i have one of those jiffy domes and it works real good for my clones, if you are interested in learning my technique, post me a message.
  9. amrock

    help needed

    well i kind found out whats wrong, the plant was just recently transferd to a bigger pot and more soil, but i pulled out the whole root and surrounding soil out of the pot today and i discover that the roots have'nt brake through to the new soil, i shed some of the old soil off the roots and...
  10. amrock

    advice plz

    if this is your first time growing, i suggest you go with outdoor, planting in soil. you will need to gain the basic ground rules to more understand the feeding process, watering and most of all the lighting. i did and now am alot confident that i can even build my own hydro system. but keep...
  11. amrock

    Ballsed Up

    I have germinated some of my seeds in a little shot cup of water and put it in a dark place, within 24 hours the seeds was at the bottom of the glass and had rooted, i then transferd them to a pot of soil and they grew just fine.
  12. amrock

    help needed

    A friend of mine brought over six of his plants to my spot and one got realy sick, is there anyway of saving her. plz help.
  13. amrock

    Are my babies stuck in the seedling stage?

    Now am not an expert but i grew 16 plants outside where its tropical, they all shared that same slow growth but just make sure you trans. to a bigger pot, 5 gal. will do just fine. for now that plant only needs water and plenty of light, hope that helps.
  14. amrock

    need HELP babies are dying. completely stop growin

    thats what i feel also, your plants could be suffering from lack of air and to much water, i see your going hydro, slow down the flow of water and see if that helps, try using only one plant to see results.
  15. amrock

    3 weeks from seed, hows it looking?

    from my expirience, thoes plants look very healthy. more light will make them grow little more faster, so your not going wrong so far.
  16. amrock

    Full Grown Plant, 16-oz Cup

    what process did you take to achivie that growth, how times you feed and watered them and what was your time lapse
  17. amrock

    my leaves are gettind little black dots an is turning yellow

    maybe your fertilizer is mix to rich, you should try mixing a little less earth juice, your mixure might be to strong, ive had the same problem before, and am using soil. minimized your mixure and see if that helps.
  18. amrock

    Show Me Your Girls!

    :bigjoint:here is my one special girl
  19. amrock

    Show Me Your Girls!

    here is my one special girl
  20. amrock

    About 1 month Flowering-No buds and Leafs yellowing

    your plant needs more room to grow, fresh air is always better