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  1. o'brother

    different Auto's

    Please fill me in on your expierance with making breeding stock. I have never attempted but need to learn.
  2. o'brother

    different Auto's

    Ok Please keep in mind I am no expert, but I am happy to share my understanding. The freedom 35's are advertised to be ready to harvest at 35 days from seed. The clones are something I am doing on my own. I have read about problems of buding sporaticly. I have one that triggered at 24-0. But...
  3. o'brother


    This is the best I can do now,Pic 1 @ 2 are the special red buds, They need more development. pic 3 is the grow. The back right half is the red. the last is one of the old leaves, only a few are like this. do you think it could be burn from water droplets from transpiration? I can give you...
  4. o'brother


    Sorry, they don't turn red till the hairs are developing. It's the hairs that are red. I hope I havn't misled you. They are at two weeks now, I will get a pic and be right back.
  5. o'brother

    different Auto's

    As far as the freedom 35's go they are new,but interesting. they can be harvested in 35 days. the tri's are amber and the smoke good. However according to the doc, If you go to 40 day they develope further,and improve. lso you can veg to almost finish height before switching to bud,Because they...
  6. o'brother

    different Auto's

    Your correct tecdc911. It;s not a true ruderalis. I think I remember reading that Dr greenthumb said he would never dumb down a good afghanie by crossing it with a ruderalis. I don't wish to speak for someome else,and I reserve the right to be wrong. But that is my understanding. Here is why IU...
  7. o'brother

    different Auto's

    Exellent observation Shineon, Years ago I had 3ft sq window screens that I coverd with white paper. Then I could stand them up around the plants. It worked very well,But became a pain in the ass, Mostly because of design. Each fall I clear out the room to clean and spray. Then I make whatever...
  8. o'brother


    Thanks Doc. I will check those journals a little later. For now, My 12-12 lights have come on and I have to tend to the girls. I will be back in a while. thanks again.
  9. o'brother


    Ninjabowler. thanks for the advice I will be hooking it up tonight. That half of the grow is gettin by on only 400 watts. I have a new 600 hps coming, but the girls need the extra watts to make full use of the co2 suppliment. As far as the reds go I will definitly keep up on the posting. I...
  10. o'brother


    Thanks for the reply Dr. If you have any intrest in the grow I described, I was able to post a couple pics in "grow room and design." Thanks to sunni's tutorial. see ya around.
  11. o'brother

    different Auto's

    Is Anyone familiar with Dr Greenthumbs Iranian Auto Flower. I have grown it for about three years, and I have a decent program going. I'm quite happy with it, but I haven't grown other auto's to compare them to. Also I am budding them inside for the first time now. I put a couple in with a bunch...
  12. o'brother

    Not much. Just checked the grow. Need to nurse some new clones along.

    Not much. Just checked the grow. Need to nurse some new clones along.
  13. o'brother

    new guy

    Okay,I stepped into that. when I was posting the pics the promt said you could post 5 pics. I will revisit the situation thank you. Alright, sweet. Thank you again, and some more
  14. o'brother

    new guy

    Last year I played with some dwc. Aside from that I am a dirt farmer too. All of my parent plants and my hold overs for this springs clones are dirt also. I gotta say, I am really impressed with the rate of growth in a good hydro set up. Thanks for the reply.
  15. o'brother

    new guy

    Soo can you post more than 5 pics at a time?
  16. o'brother

    new guy

    Hello. I am a new member. I joined this site because this sort of support is very tough to find. Also because it is very dificult to find people to talk with about this hobby. I recently received some direction from a member on how to post pictures and start a journel, so this will be kinda...
  17. o'brother

    I just worked up a post then lost it when I tried to add I got nothing. I will try...

    I just worked up a post then lost it when I tried to add I got nothing. I will try again later. my lights came on at six.
  18. o'brother

    how to set up journel

    Thank You Thank You Thank You I will get busy and try to post some pics in the forum. Again Thank You.
  19. o'brother

    how to set up journel

    Hi. I am new to this site . I thought if I started a journel I could learn a few things about working around the site. Problem is, I can't get started . I can't find "Journel settings." to get started. Also, I can't work out how to get pics from my computer into a folder, or anywhere else. Maybe...
  20. o'brother


    Hi to everone. I registered on this site at the start of this year. I was starting a grow that was ambitious for my expierance. the biggest part of wich was a grow to see if Dr Greenthumbs F-35's would be benificial to my program. I also started some clones from a strain I can't identify. I...