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  1. Auschwitz

    What should healthy seeds look like?

    Taken from the FAQ...
  2. Auschwitz

    Cannabis-like Plant

    I have heard of basil and tomatoes related with weed but didnt know it was because they are similar. As for cleomes, never heard of it but I searched some pics of it and REALLY looks like weed!! But I want something with the same genetical needs of water etc, not looking like it :mrgreen: Thx...
  3. Auschwitz

    Cannabis-like Plant

    Guys, Im looking for a legal plant which I can buy cheap and easily to train a bit for my first marijuana grow... Does anyone know of any plant that is similar to cannabis, like vegging stages, flowering stages, same kind of leaves, nutritional needs etc? Im not trying to fake, just wanna test...
  4. Auschwitz

    aero, hydro, or soil?

    Its exactly what you said. I prefer soil myself because I grow outdoors and all you need is a good soil, water and some fertilizers Never tried hydroponics or even aeroponics, its a bit more expensive and requires maintainance like you said, so you choose what best suits you :mrgreen:
  5. Auschwitz

    Free Seeds!?!

    I recently came up with this website, and was browsing around and saw this thing about free seeds!! Free cannabis seeds! Goldenseed offers genuine free cannabis seeds and free marijuana seeds Have anyone tried that before? Do those guys give away free seeds for real? If so, that's awesome...
  6. Auschwitz

    What should i put my lighting on for my plants to flower

    From what ive heard if you put 24/0 for vegging and then instantly change to 12/12 it may cause the plant to become a hermi, why dont you do 18/6? Thats what most of the people do
  7. Auschwitz

    Hydro or Bush?

    If your growing in soil than its surely not hydroponics. Hydroponics is growing in rockwool or perlite or whatever with nuted water
  8. Auschwitz

    male or female ?

    Man, whenever you see little white hairs growing means female, whenever you see small sacks "balls" growing its a male.
  9. Auschwitz


    Aeroponics? Man I just heard of it and got like :confused:. Can someone experienced briefly give me a comparisson with Hydroponics and Aeroponics? More/Less production? Faster/Slower? More expensive/cheaper setup?
  10. Auschwitz

    Tea leaf`s and White widow

    Sorry dude, never heard of it, why dont you just keep it simple? :mrgreen:
  11. Auschwitz


    Thx for the extremely usefull info :hump:
  12. Auschwitz


    Lol! Guys stop fucking with me, I always bought my weed from the local drug dealer! And the bags of weed I get dont bring damn seeds along with them!! Haters! xD :spew:
  13. Auschwitz


    Ok I think I got it now, so bagseeds are random seeds that you get cheap and you dont know which strain it is... Then, where I get them? From regular seed banks? Can someone tell me about a good one? Ive heard about Nirvana and Sensi Seeds but those dont seem to sell bagseeds, maybe I...
  14. Auschwitz


    Sry I didnt still got it :-| So bagseeds = regular seeds?
  15. Auschwitz


    Hey guys so, now for me its the part about choosing the best for me to grow. After a little search around I see that most of the people say "bagseed is the best for begginers "<3 Bagseeds" "bagseed is the best choice" and I get like WTF:confused::confused: I mean, I dont know what bagseeds or...
  16. Auschwitz

    Is it the end?

    But if I cloned I would have to bring the clone home and take them under lights no? I mean if I root the clone and put it back in outdoors would the clone also flower?
  17. Auschwitz

    Is it the end?

    Hey again, its me with my newbie questions again.. So 1 thing I couldnt learn in any movie or guide is that if Im growing an outdoor plant and it gets to flowering, I cut the buds and stems and the plant goes away? I mean like, indoors you can control wether the plant in vegetating or...
  18. Auschwitz

    Outdoor grow Newbie Help

    Im so damn horny about all this (lol) ok now im decided, thx for the help all you guys, Ordering Early Special from nirvana right now. If you have more tips to give me I would be appreciated thx all :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
  19. Auschwitz

    Outdoor grow Newbie Help

    Hey thx for the tips all but ReggaeBoy, Nirvana-seeds says "Plant type: Best suitable for indoor growing." at the big bud, the best seller at outdoor seeds is Early Special, what you think about it? And I still didnt got it, whats the best way to make more plants from a female plant? And...
  20. Auschwitz

    Outdoor grow Newbie Help

    Oh and whats the best time of the year to do it?